Hi all,
I'm about to start embedded programming and have an STM32f103C8T6 ARM-Coretex-M3 board to get started with. I'm also a C++ programmer and want to use that language to program a project to blink the LED of that board as my first embedded task. Apart from the board and two machines (Windows and Linux) I have also an MB-102 breadboard and a bunch of cables in hands.
Firstly I wanted to make use of this tutorial for the task above but it's dealing with NUCLEO-L476RG that I lack for the time being.
As the subject of the thread reveals, I'm an absolute beginner and need a step-by-step tutorial on how to start and go forward until the project is done and the board's LED is blinking. What good resource/tutorial do you suggest that I follow, please?
The other question is, except for that STM board, breadboard and the cables, what else should I purchase to be ready for the project, please?
Thanks in advance.
Ary said:the situation in my hell country
Might help to update your profile so people know where you are ...