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Debug from reset vector


I would like to debug my SoC with CortexA-53 core from the reset vector.

For this, I am writing the EDECR.RCE bit and does a warm reset.
The core is getting reset and halt at reset vector. The status is also found to be correct from the EDSCR register.
But i Am not able to properly debug the core afterwards. Ican read and write the registers. But cannot do the step operation.
Do I need to do any other initialization for this?


  • Reset Catch and Halting Step are in the same set of debug events, so if you are correctly halting on a Reset Catch there should be no additional initialization for Halting Step. I would suggest also checking what the EDESR and DBGAUTHSTATUS registers show. It might be as Bastian suggests that something is removing authentication.

  • Reset Catch and Halting Step are in the same set of debug events, so if you are correctly halting on a Reset Catch there should be no additional initialization for Halting Step. I would suggest also checking what the EDESR and DBGAUTHSTATUS registers show. It might be as Bastian suggests that something is removing authentication.

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