I am a new Graduate student and am looking at building trusted applications for mobile and embedded devices using the Cortex-A series of processors.
I am an absolute beginner in this department and really need some help getting started, but here is some of the stuff I have found.
I found a lot of information about using the Cortex-M series. I could possibly use a Cortex-M, but would prefer to use the A series.
Is there a guide for the Cortex-A that I could use to get started?
Would I be able use a Raspberry Pi to implement a trust-zone and secure applications? I find different responses on the RPI's ability to secure a Trustzone.
If not which development boards would be good to start learning on?
Any help with getting started would a huge help.
Thanks everyone.
Hey, I roughly also looked at the same but i have not been able to find a simple way to start. i gave up, I should not have to be TEE expert to do it even it can be complex it should be simplified. it would be nice to have a small example to launch an hello world app and a shell and python apps in an enclave in any PI starting with PI4. I do not see a solid technical and functional reason to have to go to another SBC. Please update your findings somewhere as you go this is a good topic.