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how to get fastmodel license for cortex-A15


I have downloaded evaluation based fastmodel version 7.1 from arm fastmodel download link (

I want to load debugger model for cortex-A15x1 on fastmodel simulator but this shows me license error...

ERROR: License check failed!

No licenses
'SG_ARM_Cortex-A15_CT' available.

No such feature exists.

License files searched:             

Error Code : -5

My question is, what i need to do to get license permission for Cortex-A15?

I hope this is the right place to ask this question and get the reply soon.

I appreciate for any help provided from this forum site.

Thanks and Regards,

Sweta Ruhela

  • When you downloaded the tools did you see a screen to generate a license?

    Try going to this link: . If you haven't already generated a license the page should look like this:


    You'll need to specify the processor model you wish to evaluation (Cortex-A15), the platform you're going run the tools on and the hostid of that machine.  The hostid for Linux is the MAC address of eth0 (which you can normally find by running "/sbin/ifconfig eth0").

    Then click the "Download Evaluation & Get License" button.  You should see a download of the installer start, which you can just cancel (as you've already done it!).  On the next screen it will show you your license.  Save this to a file.  Looking at the error message, the tools are expecting the filename "license.dat" in the location "/home/fastmodel/FastModels_7-1-047_Linux/license.dat"

    If you've have already generated the license, the above screen won't ask you for the hostid.  But the next screen will still show you the license.

    If you continue to have problems installing the license, I'd suggest e-mailing ARM's support team (support AT

  • When you downloaded the tools did you see a screen to generate a license?

    Try going to this link: . If you haven't already generated a license the page should look like this:


    You'll need to specify the processor model you wish to evaluation (Cortex-A15), the platform you're going run the tools on and the hostid of that machine.  The hostid for Linux is the MAC address of eth0 (which you can normally find by running "/sbin/ifconfig eth0").

    Then click the "Download Evaluation & Get License" button.  You should see a download of the installer start, which you can just cancel (as you've already done it!).  On the next screen it will show you your license.  Save this to a file.  Looking at the error message, the tools are expecting the filename "license.dat" in the location "/home/fastmodel/FastModels_7-1-047_Linux/license.dat"

    If you've have already generated the license, the above screen won't ask you for the hostid.  But the next screen will still show you the license.

    If you continue to have problems installing the license, I'd suggest e-mailing ARM's support team (support AT
