"A Different Mind" will be a captivating documentary series unveiling the global movement to bridge the technology skills gap. It explores programs worldwide that connect education with industry, with a special emphasis on meeting the surging demand in the semiconductor sector. By showcasing the potential of STEM and its crucial role in the semiconductor industry, this series aims to inspire the next generation of problem solvers and innovators, contributing to the worldwide effort to close the skills gap.
The documentary makers are looking for active elements to show kids, students, and parents the need for semiconductors, the vast connectivity of the world of STEM, and the career opportunities that exist within this field.
In addition, they would like to engage directly with the various stages of production of the semiconductor space to understand the process, its use, and the opportunities the field offers.
They want to talk to passionate individuals who can show us the role they play in manufacturing the semiconductor. They want to get to know them by documenting their working routines, and gathering day-in-the-life style footage to understand why they have joined this industry and what impassions them about it.
In addition, through these individuals, they would like to to understand the hidden role that computational science and semiconductors are playing in bringing positive change and helping the world to function.
The filmakers would also like to take the same approach by shadowing students within your educational pipeline by documenting them through study, home, and workplace to show their challenges and the opportunities before them.
We're extending an invite to all alliance members to contribute to the documentary. If you think you can contribute to any one of the areas mentioned above then get in contact with us to discuss further.