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why we need write strobe in axi

why we need write strobe signal in axi where we generate in our verif env


  • Perhaps to give the master more control over which data byte lanes are written to the slave ?

    AWSIZE tells the slave by how much to increment the address in multi-transfer, non FIXED bursts, and WSTRB then tells the slave which of the byte lanes described by the AWADDR/AWSIZE/AWBURST combination contain the data the master wants to update in that transfer. 

    If you don't need to perform sub-AWSIZE indicated transfers your master can always just assert all the WSTRB bits described by the AWADDR/AWSIZE/AWBURST combination.

  • Perhaps to give the master more control over which data byte lanes are written to the slave ?

    AWSIZE tells the slave by how much to increment the address in multi-transfer, non FIXED bursts, and WSTRB then tells the slave which of the byte lanes described by the AWADDR/AWSIZE/AWBURST combination contain the data the master wants to update in that transfer. 

    If you don't need to perform sub-AWSIZE indicated transfers your master can always just assert all the WSTRB bits described by the AWADDR/AWSIZE/AWBURST combination.

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