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Reading non-secure world code memory from the secure world


I am currently using an ARM Cortex-M23 based Nuvoton M2351 with the Keil MDK IDE. I am trying to read non-secure domain code memory (stored at 0x10040XXX) from privileged secure world code. I am using a simple LDR instruction like so:

LDR R0, =address

LDR R1, [R0]

The issue I am facing is that when I single-step debug over the second instruction, Keil suddenly jumps to address 0xEFFFFFFE and in some cases hangs and crashes. Is this expected behavior? I remember doing the same thing a few months ago and it worked fine then. I can't figure out if I am missing out on some configuration options. I have tried disabling the SAU, setting, and resetting the ALLNS bit but nothing works.

Thank you