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Changing interrupt priority to prevent nesting

Hi, I'm working on M0+, but the question applies to M3 or M4 too.

I have the following situation: 2 interrupt sources inject events on a state machine that must handle each event separately (not nested execution)

The state machine is implementing a protocol and is using the UART interrupt and the SysTick for timeouts.

A UART interrupt causes the state machine execution to evolve based on related UART event.

The same routine, executed inside the SysTick interrupt service routine, handles timeout event.

It happens the 2 interrupts, SysTick and UART have different priorities.

I want to be sure that when the state machine is processing one event (pretend it is UART), the timeout event is postponed (i.e. the interrupt is served when the previous is completed)

I wrote the following code to protect state machine execution from self-nesting

extern void commStack_uart_v0_rx( void )


  uInt8 timer_priority;

  uInt8 my_priority;

  my_priority = NVIC_GetPriority( UART0_IRQn );

  timer_priority = NVIC_GetPriority( SysTick_IRQn );

  if (timer_priority < my_priority) NVIC_SetPriority( SysTick_IRQn, my_priority );

  state_machine(); // Execute the state machine to process UART event

  NVIC_SetPriority( SysTick_IRQn, timer_priority );


Before executing state_machine, I change the priority of SysTick to match the UART priority if lower number. In other words I change the SysTick priority so that it cannot enter over the UART.

Before leaving I restore the priority.

Is it the right way to proceed? Since it is not possible to postpone the service of a SysTick interrupt with a trick like disable/enable.

The SysTick can't be temporary stopped.

I'm looking for a solution that can be used to solve problems of this category.
