
Prof. Masahiko Yamazaki, Nihon University

Dr. Sean Hong, ARM University Program, ARM


ARM University Program, Nihon University and Switch Science are hosting a One-Day hands-on workshop for training professors and students on how to design and prototype an ARM-based satellite system using the ARM Cortex-M3 processor. The workshop focuses on the principles of prototyping a mini satellite including MCU programming, power management, communication, localisation and sensor technologies. At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to prototype a satellite subsystem which comprises a mini satellite that can communicate with a simulated ground station.

ARM University Program では,教育者や学生向けにARM Cortex-M3プロセッサを使用したARMベースの超小型衛星システムの開発方法に関する1日ワークショップを開催します.このワークショップでは,超小型衛星の命令・データ処理系(マイコンのプログラミング),電源系(電力マネージメント),通信系(衛星-地上局間通信),センサ系等のサブシステムの統合を通して,各サブシステムの役割・振る舞い,それらがどのように一つの人工衛星として統合されていくのかを学びます.ワークショップの最後には,模擬超小型衛星と模擬地上局間の通信を実施します.

The workshop comprises both lecture presentations and hands-on lab practice. In particular, the ARM Cortex-M3 based LPC1768 microprocessor will be used as a low-power yet high-performance platform for space applications, and the ARM mbed SDK is used as an efficient software development tool to accelerate the development cycle and improve the productivity.

nワークショップは,プレゼンテーション講義とハンズオン実習から構成されており,ハンズオン実習では,ARM Cortex-M3プロセッサを使用したLPC1768マイコンとその開発環境であるARM mbed SDKを使用します.

Workshop Outline

  • Introduction to ARM and ARM University Program
  • ARM Architecture and ARM Cortex-M3 Processor
  • ARM mbed SDK
  • Introduction to pico-satellite and HEPTA-Sat
  • Lab 1 - Embedded programming using ARM Cortex-M3 Processor and mbed
  • Lab 2 - Electrical supply and power management
  • Lab 3 - Data sensing (GPS, gyro and accelerometer)
  • Lab 4 - Communication with ground station
  • Demonstration and conclusion

Who Should Attend

This workshop is designed for professionals, hobbyists and practitioners who are interested in designing ARM-based embedded systems for aerospace applications. University faculties, researchers and students are all welcome to attend this workshop.


We reserve the right to accept or refuse registrations based on our wish to enable the broadest spectrum of universities to participate.

Free of Charge

Our workshop is completely FREE-OF-CHARGE for all members of academia. Lunch along with morning and afternoon refreshments will be provided during the day. Attendees are expected to make their own travel arrangements.



Attendees should also bring a laptop running Windows OS (or Windows VM)

Knowledge of embedded system design and C programming will be helpful.

Windows OSで動作するラップトップパソコンをお持ちください.組み込みシステム設計の知識やC言語プログラミングの知識があると役に立ちます.


Please register online here: AUP Workshop Registration

After the registration, you will receive an Email within two weeks to confirm if you have been accepted to attend this workshop.

オンライン登録はこちらからお願いします:AUP Workshop Registration



If you have any further questions, please write to ARM University Program at: (in English)

or Junichi Aoyama: (in Japanese)

For local event organiser support please contact Masahiko Yamazaki

ご質問は,ARM University Program at: (in English) または,Junichi Aoyama: (in Japanese)までお願いします.