Hi I'm very excited to announce of the release of a new product we have been working on for the last few months called the Cortex-M Prototyping System, as part of the Versatile Express family of products. This development board is targeted at the evaluation and prototyping of Cortex-M based designs. It comes provided with fixed encrypted images of all the Cortex-M series of ARM Processors (M0, M0+,M1,M3 & M4) and an application note for Cortex-M0 design start in an example subsystem which is user modifiable. It is fully supported in ARM DS-5 and KEIL MDK with example projects for each. It is any ideal platform for the evaluation of the different Cortex-M processors and FPGA prototyping to allow early device driver development.
It offers
Further information is available here. The board is available now order code V2M-MPS2-0318A at an affordable price of $995
Ah Ha! learned something new today
Cortex-M Prototyping System - ARM
Hello Inurl你好,
这个FPGA板子主要用来模拟M0, M0+,M1,M3 & M4,用于前期工程师熟悉开发。而且很方便的是,基本可以模拟所有Cortex-M系列MCU核。
特别是在对应的MCU系统板还没出来的时候。 等MCU系统板出来后自然可以选用系统板。
是说fpga提供m3的IP核吗? 看不懂