You might encounter some defects when you run 3D applications that use OpenGL ES to render images. This blog helps you find the cause of the defects. These examples show defective images and golden images.
The defective images are caused by:
When you see defective images, you can investigate the problem with visualizing tools. These tools capture and analyze the trace. We recommend that you use RenderDoc ( Renderdoc can capture frame buffer output and API sequence. This tool captures shader source. You can then modify, recompile, and rerun the shader source instead of investigating the driver.
This screenshot shows captured APIs and the shader by some draw calls.
RenderDoc captures the trace, so that you can run draw calls, one by one, to find which draw call has the defective image.
If your modification fixes the issue, you have found the shader that encountered a compiler bug.
Investigate the issue in the following ways.
The shader source you look at might be very long. It contains a lot of options and branches. For the current draw call, the GPU only executes some of the options and branches. Take care to identify the draw call that uses the options and branches. To help you quickly read and modify the shader source, you can skip the options, and branches that the GPU does not execute. For example:
Pseudo shader source: #version 300 es … void main() { u_xlat12 = dot(in_POSITION0, u_xlat1); if (branch1) { } else { if (branch2) { if (branch3) { } else { if (branch3) { if (branch4) { if(bran)h5) { if (branch5) { .... } } } } } } if (branch1)00) { } u_xlat2 = vec4(u_xlat12) * hlslcc_mtx4x4unity_ObjectToWorld[1] } }
In the following example, only the 2 sentences shown in red are executed. This is the code you are looking for. You can ignore the rest.
To find which codes are not executed, disable the branches one by one and then refresh:
You can then find which codes are not executed.
For Vertex Shader (VS), find gl_position and the attributes to Fragment shader (FS). For FS, find gl_FragColor or a string, like “layout(location = 0) out vec4 SV_Target0;”.
layout(location = 0) out vec4 SV_Target0;
Then, take a bottom-up traversal of calculation or variants related to the final output.
For example, find gl_FragColor first and then find the related variants a4, a3, and a1.
Assuming a1 or a3 is wrong, you can assign a1 or a3 to gl_FragColor, then you can visualize a1 or a3 to check the result. These steps help you identify which variant is wrong by matching the result against the golden result.
Change mediump or lowp into highp, one by one, to check the result. If one of these changes eliminates the issue, then the problem is with precision.
There are some built-in functions, like max, clamp, and dot. In some circumstances, the compiler might handle them wrongly. You can replace a build-in function with your own implementation to check the result. If your implementation works, then the build-in function does not work.