Designing an electronics control board that will operate at 200˚C is not trivial. There are all sorts of considerations that don’t apply to commercial electronics systems such as high temperature capable PCBs, high temperature solder and sourcing components guaranteed for operation at extreme temperature range.
Since VORAGO started selling the 200˚C rated VA10800 Arm Cortex-M0 microcontroller, we have been asked many times about what components we would recommend using with it in a system that needs to operate at 200˚C.
To simplify the task for designers, we teamed-up with PetroMar Technologies and Analog Devices to create an evaluation and reference design board that was designed bottoms-up for 200˚C operation. All components and materials used are rated for extreme temperature use.
The board has multiple high-resolution analog input channels for sampling sensor data. The VA10800 microcontroller is at the heart of the system and all the appropriate support components such as power supplies and memories are included. There is also GUI software supplied to run on a PC and monitor the signals.
We expect designers will remove the kit from its box and put it straight in the oven for high temperature evaluation. The design is also available for folks that want to take advantage of the basic design but modify it for their own needs.
There has been a lot of excitement and positive feedback about the availability of a high-temperature Arm Cortex-M0 microcontroller. Now it is easier than ever to create true extreme temperature embedded systems.
Yes - ‘Cool Under Heat’ is the title of a Clash song!