Academic research is critical to the semiconductor industry’s continued ability to push the boundaries of what’s possible, which is why, among several other initiatives within the academic and research community, Arm sponsors PhDs under schemes such as EPSRC iCASE. While undertaking their research, many of the students that work at Arm, or are funded by Arm through these schemes, continue to publish their own independent research. This research, unless it is clearly stated, is not endorsed by or supported by Arm in any way.
A recent post by one such student revives an existing proposal that has already been investigated in academic communities (for example here) on the topic of tightening the compilation of C++ Relaxed Atomics towards various architectures.
This proposal was not formally reviewed by Arm or endorsed by anyone at Arm, despite references in its acknowledgement paragraph. It does not change our official position on the matter, which is: Arm believes that today, the cost implications of tightening C++ relaxed atomics outweigh its benefit.
In addition, we thought it would be useful to provide some critical context and factual corrections to the post:
A full and scientifically rigorous analysis of the performance implications of tightening the compilation of C++ Relaxed Atomics would require significant time, cost and engineering resources. In addition, the consequence of the precedent of this to other languages, such as Java, would need to be considered. Given the fact that Arm has not received significant demand for a change of this position from its ecosystem partners, we have no plans to prioritize this sort of analysis at this time.