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Issues while running benchmarks for Arm RAN Acceleration Library version 23.04


I have installed ARM RAL version,23.04 on my Linux machine and successfully built static libraries for Release  mode with Arm GNU Toolchain 12.2.Rel1 (arm-gnu-toolchain-12.2.rel1-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu.tar.xz) for targets NEON and SVE.I enabled build options ,-DBUILD_TESTING=On` and `-DBUILD_EXAMPLES=On. Python version installed on my machine is 3.8.10.and Linux, Perf tool version is perf version 5.15.87,required for running benchmarks.

After build,I installed ARMRAL libraries for 2 targets in 2 different installation folders.

Afterwords,I tried running benchmarks with command, make bench for 2 targets separately one by one but for each one I am getting errors like following for all benchmarks.....

If I direct o/p to file,JSON objects printed are like below  indicating that benchmarks not ran at all.:--

{"name": "demodulation_qam256_8", "error": true, "ts": 304990550, "dur": 192588}
{"name": "demodulation_qam256_31", "error": true, "ts": 305183343, "dur": 192250}
{"name": "demodulation_qam256_32", "error": true, "ts": 305375812, "dur": 194988}

Since I am evaluating ARMRAL for my work and new to ARMRAL, could you kindly look into the error and help me to identify root cause(eg whether I m missing something/making some error) and fix the error soon?

It would help a lot.


Pankaj K


Failed to run command: ['/home/sitteam/PankajK/arm-ran-acceleration-library-23.04/bench/', '/home/sitteam/PankajK/arm_lib_2304_build_NEON_static_rel/bench_demodulation', '{"name": "demodulation_qam16_276", "args": "1 276", "reps": 300000}']
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/sitteam/PankajK/arm-ran-acceleration-library-23.04/bench/", line 65, in <module>
File "/home/sitteam/PankajK/arm-ran-acceleration-library-23.04/bench/", line 61, in main
run(args.exe_path, case_json)
File "/home/sitteam/PankajK/arm-ran-acceleration-library-23.04/bench/", line 37, in run
all_cycles = [run_perf(args) / float(reps) for _ in range(10)]
File "/home/sitteam/PankajK/arm-ran-acceleration-library-23.04/bench/", line 37, in <listcomp>
all_cycles = [run_perf(args) / float(reps) for _ in range(10)]
File "/home/sitteam/PankajK/arm-ran-acceleration-library-23.04/bench/", line 20, in run_perf
result = exec_and_check_cmd(cmd)
File "/home/sitteam/PankajK/arm-ran-acceleration-library-23.04/bench/", line 14, in exec_and_check_cmd
File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 448, in check_returncode
raise CalledProcessError(self.returncode, self.args, self.stdout,
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['perf', 'stat', '-x', ' ', '-e', 'cycles:u', '/home/sitteam/PankajK/arm_lib_2304_build_NEON_static_rel/bench_demodulation', '1', '276', '300000']' returned non-zero exit status 255.

  • Hi Chris,

    Thanks again for your reply providing the likely root causes of the issues I am facing while running ARMRAL lib benchmarks at my end.

    In my opinion, you have pointed out the issue, i.e. I have cross compiled using toolchain,arm-gnu-toolchain-12.2.rel1-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu.tar.xz on my x86_64 based machine where Ubuntu is installed.I assumed that ARMRAL runs in simulator mode too so that I could run performance benchmarks with perf tool on my Linux machine in simulator mode so I tried running benchmarks with generated static libs in release mode using make bench command.

    I will check at my end about how I can access a Cloud service to  use an Arm-based Linux instance to run benchmarks as suggested by you and get back if I face any issues further.

    Meanwhile, I have a suggestion for ARM RAL dev and maintenance team to include a feature to enable running perf benchmarks in some kind of simulator mode which could help developers who are enhancing ARMRAL library with their new code which can be benchmarked for available  architectures without having direct access to Cloud service to get access to an Arm-based Linux instance or an ARM system itself.

    Requesting to please let me know abt any such existing feature to run tests, do FEC simulations and do benchmarking in simulator mode and how to access and use it.


    Pankaj K

  • Hi Chris,

    Thanks again for your reply providing the likely root causes of the issues I am facing while running ARMRAL lib benchmarks at my end.

    In my opinion, you have pointed out the issue, i.e. I have cross compiled using toolchain,arm-gnu-toolchain-12.2.rel1-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu.tar.xz on my x86_64 based machine where Ubuntu is installed.I assumed that ARMRAL runs in simulator mode too so that I could run performance benchmarks with perf tool on my Linux machine in simulator mode so I tried running benchmarks with generated static libs in release mode using make bench command.

    I will check at my end about how I can access a Cloud service to  use an Arm-based Linux instance to run benchmarks as suggested by you and get back if I face any issues further.

    Meanwhile, I have a suggestion for ARM RAL dev and maintenance team to include a feature to enable running perf benchmarks in some kind of simulator mode which could help developers who are enhancing ARMRAL library with their new code which can be benchmarked for available  architectures without having direct access to Cloud service to get access to an Arm-based Linux instance or an ARM system itself.

    Requesting to please let me know abt any such existing feature to run tests, do FEC simulations and do benchmarking in simulator mode and how to access and use it.


    Pankaj K

  • Hi.

    Unfortunately there's not great tooling around that use-case if you're not on an Arm-based system.  Your best options are QEMU and DynamoRio, assuming you're happy with instruction counting.  However perf won't give you anything useful, and you'd also need a model of how the cores run to be able to work out anything useful which are not open source things.



  • Hi Chris,

    Thanks for your reply.I am checking with my manager abt  getting Arm system access  or access to Cloud service for Arm-based Linux instance as you indicated.

    1 issue I am still facing is following:--

    As indicated in "Run tests" section of readme, since I am not developing on an AArch64 machine, I  compiled to configure the library to
    prefix the tests with `qemu-aarch64` for NEON as follows to run the tests on my x86_64,ubuntu linux machine :--

    cmake -DBUILD_TESTING=On -DARMRAL_TEST_RUNNER=qemu-aarch64 -DBUILD_EXAMPLES=On -DBUILD_SIMULATION=On -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/sitteam/PankajK/arm_lib_2304_install_neon_static_rel /home/sitteam/PankajK/arm-ran-acceleration-library-23.04 -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/home/sitteam/PankajK/arm_gnu_toolchain_12_2/arm-gnu-toolchain-12.2.rel1-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu/bin/aarch64-none-linux-gnu-gcc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=/home/sitteam/PankajK/arm_gnu_toolchain_12_2/arm-gnu-toolchain-12.2.rel1-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu/bin/aarch64-none-linux-gnu-g++

    make check 


    But I got following error abt which I am unsure, I mean why qemu-aarch64 executable is not getting generated despite providing cmake option in bold as above? Requesting to provide pointers to debug/resolve  this issue. .Also can you provide more info abt "Dynamo Rio"?

    Start 56: tail_biting_convolutional_decoding
    Could not find executable qemu-aarch64
    Looked in the following places:
    Unable to find executable: qemu-aarch64
    56/56 Test #56: tail_biting_convolutional_decoding ...***Not Run 0.00 sec

    0% tests passed, 56 tests failed out of 56

    Total Test time (real) = 0.01 sec



    Pankaj K

  • Hi there,

    Unfortunately qemu-aarch64 is not distributed as part of ArmRAL. Instead please see for instructions on how to download and build it for your machine.

    Once you have QEMU installed you should provide the full path to the qemu-aarch64 executable in the ARMRAL_TEST_RUNNER CMake variable. Alternatively, if you place qemu-aarch64 on your executable path you can set -DARMRAL_TEST_RUNNER=qemu-aarch64  as you did before.

