Hi Experts,
Is there in-built Performance Monitor Unit Driver available in the Linux kernel ?
Does it have the user space access to test the same ?
Monitor ? I mean you speak about the GPU ?
In many much case you will have to use the mali-benchmark for perform test of you CPU
Hi Jerome,
I mean the Performance Counters in the ARM Cortex processors.
Checkout the link http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.ddi0433b/BEHGGDJC.html
I'm sorry i have not read correctly your post, so my mistake
In most kernels and distros on ARM you have full access to the system counters and CPU counters. You have a few options for accessing them; obviously, system counters are available through the proc filesystem. Other counters are most easily monitored by perf or gator. The latest version of the gatord used with Streamline do not require a kernel module to read most of the counters. Are you attempting to use a specific performance monitoring tool?
You can use perf tool which can built from kernel source or
availalble in linux-tools packag in ubuntu for user space testing.
Hello Techguyz,
you can build PMU environment by yourself by referring to https://code.google.com/p/mycodespot/wiki/DirectPMUCodeGCC .
PMU registers can be accessible if the kernel permitted to do so by setting User Enable Register (PMUSERENR).
Also, the kernel should have made DBGEN enabled at the configuration time.
If the DBGEN was disabled, you would be able to use PMU cycle counter but the event counters return always zero.
I hope this will help you.
Best regards,
Yasuhiko Koumoto.
No prob often I do that..