I am using android studio to develop music player app on windows 10. It is running fine on ABI X86 (Pixel 2 API 27 X86) and audio plays on X86.But when i try to run the app on ARM AVD (Pixel 3 API 25 Armeabi-v7a), the audio does not play. When i click on play button it says Music Player stopped working. The default app Google play music does not support the audio. It says could not play the track you requested.The audio output is not coming from ARM AVD. Also i am not able to play video on ARM.
Please suggest solution to play the audio on ARM AVD. If any other informations required please ask.
Thanks for your reply
Actually i want this app to work on ARM V7 since i use ARM V7. When i installed ARM V8 AVD in Android Studio it says the emulator process for AVD was terminated.
I just want to know does ARM on android studio support audio or not. Since it is working on X86 i want the app to work on ARM.
Sorry, I'm having trouble getting an Arm emulated device to go at all. I always use real devices (to get the truest result), but now I'm giving the emulated ones a go, they just terminate immediately.
Google make Android Studio, including the Arm emulation, without our input, so I'm guessing you'll have to contact them with the emulation difficulties.