[We're looking to file some possible bugs related to compilation of shaders for Mali. Please let us know if there's a different, preferable place to do so.]
The following issue is also logged here, which links to the relevant files.
Platform details are at the end.
This fragment shader:
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mc-imperial/shader-compiler-bugs/master/ARM-Mali-T628-Chromebook-WebGL/wrong_images/sm… https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mc-imperial/shader-compiler-bugs/master/ARM-Mali-T628-Chromebook-WebGL/wrong_images/small-v100-webgl-804943b2b630b741_inv_variant_4/variant.frag
leads to an image like this being rendered on several GPUs that we have been testing (including an Intel GPU):
On our Mali GPU, via WebGL with Chrome, we find that this image is rendered:
Furthermore, we have created a shader that is almost identical to the one linked to above, except that a reference to variable k has been changed to (injectionSwitch.x > injectionSwitch.y ? 1.0 : k). This should have no effect on rendering if we set injectionSwitch to the vector (0.0, 1.0), because the condition in the ternary will evaluate to false.
(injectionSwitch.x > injectionSwitch.y ? 1.0 : k)
(0.0, 1.0)
Here is the modified shader:
When we set injectionSwitch to (0.0, 1.0) and render on Mali using the modified shader, we get this image:
which is visually very similar to the image that we see rendered on other GPUs we tried.
We speculate that a compiler bug is being triggered when the original shader is used for rendering, and that our modification somehow masks the compiler bug.
Platform details:
- Samsung Chromebook
- Chrome OS
* Version: 54.0.2840.101
* Platform: 8743.85.0 (Official Build) stable-channel peach_pit
* Firmware: Google_Peach_Pit.4482.95.0
- GPU: ARM Mali-T628
Version and renderer info obtained via WebGL API: