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Can I ask for "Accessing a Camera Device under Linux" example?


First - thank you for your forum and support!

I decided to create a new thread as it will be better this way. Earlier, I asked about the total load of all cores and Mali-T628MP6 though not yet figured out until the end there, but there was another question during these experiments.

I do not understand uchar16 class structure in Kernel code (see below code). Where it is declared and it's header? I had a problem that the FPS of the camera drops sharply (by 2 times! From 30 to 15!) And I found it in different lighting conditions the camera! And this behavior is observed in 3 different cameras. Perhaps it is not connected with the GPU work and I try to clarify it, But if you can explain about this class uchar16, I would be very grateful. A code of waters where it is used (kernel OpenCL code -

#define SCALE 8
#define SHIFT 14
#define R_W ((ushort)( 4899))
#define G_W ((ushort)( 9617))
#define B_W ((ushort)( 1868))

__kernel void convert_BGR2GRAY(__global uchar *src, __global uchar *dst, uint src_width_1_16 )
  int x = get_global_id(0);
  int y = get_global_id(1);

  size_t offset = ( x + y * src_width_1_16 );

  uint16 out;
  uchar16 in0 = vload16( offset * 3 + 0, src );
  uchar16 in1 = vload16( offset * 3 + 1, src );
  uchar16 in2 = vload16( offset * 3 + 2, src );

  /* Reorganize the data so that:
    in0 contains all the red
    in1 contains all the green
    in2 contains all the blue
  uchar8 r,g,b;

  b = (uchar8) (in0.s0369, in0.scf, in1.s25);
  g = (uchar8) (in0.s147a,, in1.s036);
  r = (uchar8) (in0.s258b,, in1.s147);

  in0 = (uchar16) (r, b);
  in1.s01234567 = g;

  b = (uchar8) (in1.s8be, in2.s147a,;
  g = (uchar8) (in1.s9cf, in2.s258b,;
  r = (uchar8) (in1.sad, in2.s0369, in2.scf);

  in2 = (uchar16) (in0.s89abcdef, b);
  in0.s89abcdef = r;
  in1.s89abcdef = g;
  out =  convert_uint16(in0) * R_W;
  out += convert_uint16(in1) * G_W;
  out += convert_uint16(in2) * B_W;
  out += (uint16)(1 << (SHIFT-1));
  out >>= SHIFT;
  vstore16( convert_uchar16( out ) , offset, dst );

__kernel void convert_YUYV2GRAY(__global uchar *src, __global uchar *dst, uint src_width_1_16 )
  int x = get_global_id(0);
  int y = get_global_id(1);

  size_t offset = ( x + y * src_width_1_16 );

  uint16 out;
  uchar16 in0 = vload16( offset * 2 + 0, src );
  uchar16 in1 = vload16( offset * 2 + 1, src );

  /* Keep only the Y component */
  vstore16( (uchar16)( in0.even, in1.even ) , offset, dst );

For example what is this - in0.s0369 in line #27? Where this 's0369' field is declared?? Where this uchar16 declared? I could not find its definition. On the off. site including. Found here, but there is no  's0369' field declaration.  Thank you.

********* 20161810 Update 01

I attach a video of the effect [removed] This is a screenshot of working that example App ("Accessing a Camera Device under Linux"). Pink little left (screen capture software error) - In fact, all black and white but it does not matter . But the main question is about uchar16 . Thank you.