I've recently discovered shader sampling bug on r12p1 on S7 series. Looks visually similar to what we previously had on r7p0.
Reproducing issue
Scenario 1.
Dolphin emulator:
Homebrew demo:
Neo Tanks - WiiBrew
Unzip downloaded archive, in Dolphin set path to unpacked folder and choose boot.dol, swipe right to a folder icon, run boot.dol.
r12p1: https://s13.postimg.io/7ca1duydz/download_20160914_002047.png
v145: https://s17.postimg.io/77mtbf2gv/download_20160914_002058.png
Scenario 2:
Seascape Benchmark - Android Apps on Google Play (totally black screen)
r12p1: https://s15.postimg.io/k1glc3ycb/Screenshot_20160913_234123.png
v145: https://s21.postimg.io/i1ire4gvb/download_20160914_004921.png
Scenario 3:
REV Vehicle Demo - Android Apps on Google Play
(Missing shaders)
r12p1: https://s11.postimg.io/jbivi1n9f/download_20160914_002118.png
v145: https://s17.postimg.io/xawj9qvzz/download_20160914_002111.png