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Graphics Debugger and non-rooted android

I'm trying to debug an OpenGL application on a Samsung S6. For various reasons I cannot root the device, so I followed the graphics debugger instructions for non-rooted Android.

When I try to run the application, it appears to briefly start and then it crashes. In logcat, I get this output leading up to the crash:

I/libMGD  ( 6994): dlopen of <>

E/libMGD  ( 6994): Error dereferencing pathname

I/libMGD  ( 6994): dlopen of <>

E/libMGD  ( 6994): Error dereferencing pathname

I/libMGD  ( 6994): dlopen of <>

E/libMGD  ( 6994): Error dereferencing pathname

I/libMGD  ( 6994): dlopen of <>

E/libMGD  ( 6994): Error dereferencing pathname

I/libMGD  ( 6994): dlopen of <>

E/libMGD  ( 6994): Error dereferencing pathname

I/libMGD  ( 6994): dlopen of <>

E/libMGD  ( 6994): Error dereferencing pathname

I/libMGD  ( 6994): dlopen of <>

E/libMGD  ( 6994): Error dereferencing pathname

I/libMGD  ( 6994): dlopen of <>

E/libMGD  ( 6994): Error dereferencing pathname

I/libMGD  ( 6994): dlopen of <>

E/libMGD  ( 6994): Error dereferencing pathname

I/libMGD  ( 6994): dlopen of <>

E/libMGD  ( 6994): Error dereferencing pathname

I/libMGD  ( 6994): dlopen of <>

E/libMGD  ( 6994): Error dereferencing pathname

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

  • Hi Amanda,

    We would love to help you with your issue. Just a quick question are your running Android 6 or Android 5? As we have tested the non-root version of MGD with Android 5.0 and it works correctly without issue. Unfortunately there are some known issues with using the non-root version and Android 6.0. We are working hard to resolve them and I will keep you posted when we have a fix.



  • Hi Amanda,

    We would love to help you with your issue. Just a quick question are your running Android 6 or Android 5? As we have tested the non-root version of MGD with Android 5.0 and it works correctly without issue. Unfortunately there are some known issues with using the non-root version and Android 6.0. We are working hard to resolve them and I will keep you posted when we have a fix.



  • Hi Stephen,

    Thanks for the response. This is on an Android 5 device.



  • In that case would you mind posting more of your log or messaging me with it. I am interested in seeing if there is anything before or after these messages that may lead to the crash. As if the interceptor finds issues it doesn't usually terminate the application.



  • Here is our log basically from startup until the program stops functioning. Which reminds me, it seems like our program stops functioning, rather than actually crashing. The process is still visible in the Android Device Manager, but the app on the phone exits to the desktop/MGD Daemon screen. And I should be clear that if I remove the code to include from our makefile, then our app runs just fine.

    I left a space in the log because the "04-21 20:49:20.497: E/libMGD(31184): Error dereferencing pathname" messages repeat for quite a bit more before the rest of the log occurs.

    Thank you for all of your help so far!

    04-21 20:49:19.507: D/InputDispatcher(3513): Focused application set to: xxxx

    04-21 20:49:19.507: D/OpenGLRenderer(30773): endAllStagingAnimators on 0x7f781c0300 (ListView) with handle 0x7fa012c2c0

    04-21 20:49:19.507: D/WindowManager(3513): beginLayoutLw mStatusBar.isVisibleLw() = false, statusBarTransient=false, displayId=0

    04-21 20:49:19.527: E/WVRDownloadManagerJNI(31184): [0.002083 ms] [                 ERR] Download Manager is null

    04-21 20:49:19.527: E/WVRDownloadManagerJNI(31184): [0.139208 ms] [                 ERR] Download Manager is null

    04-21 20:49:19.527: D/Activity(31184): performCreate Call Injection manager

    04-21 20:49:19.527: D/PowerManagerService(3513): setKeyboardVisibility: false

    04-21 20:49:19.527: V/ActivityManager(3513): updatePackageServicesTransationStatsLocked---package = com.wevr.wvrplayer.cardboard.external

    04-21 20:49:19.527: D/WindowManager(3513): beginLayoutLw mStatusBar.isVisibleLw() = false, statusBarTransient=false, displayId=0

    04-21 20:49:19.537: V/ActivityManager_SPCMtest(3513): Launched -: com.wevr.wvrplayer.cardboard.external

    04-21 20:49:19.537: D/PhoneWindow(31184): *FMB* installDecor mIsFloating : false

    04-21 20:49:19.537: D/PhoneWindow(31184): *FMB* installDecor flags : -2139028224

    04-21 20:49:19.547: I/libMGD(31184): Initialising interceptor.

    04-21 20:49:19.547: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line df887000-dfe25000 r-xp 00000000 103:02 720949                            /data/app/com.wevr.wvrplayer.cardboard.external-1/lib/arm/

    04-21 20:49:19.547: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line dfe26000-dfe3a000 r--p 0059e000 103:02 720949                            /data/app/com.wevr.wvrplayer.cardboard.external-1/lib/arm/

    04-21 20:49:19.547: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line dfe3a000-dfe3b000 rw-p 005b2000 103:02 720949                            /data/app/com.wevr.wvrplayer.cardboard.external-1/lib/arm/

    04-21 20:49:19.557: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line f7418000-f7477000 r-xp 00000000 fe:00 2185                               /system/lib/

    04-21 20:49:19.557: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line f7477000-f7479000 r--p 0005e000 fe:00 2185                               /system/lib/

    04-21 20:49:19.557: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line f7479000-f7482000 rw-p 00060000 fe:00 2185                               /system/lib/

    04-21 20:49:19.567: E/libMGD(31184): Couldn't locate relocations table

    04-21 20:49:19.567: E/libMGD(31184): Could not parse /data/dalvik-cache/arm/data@app@com.wevr.wvrplayer.cardboard.external-1@base.apk@classes.dex

    04-21 20:49:19.567: E/libMGD(31184): Couldn't locate relocations table

    04-21 20:49:19.567: E/libMGD(31184): Could not parse /system/framework/arm/boot.oat

    04-21 20:49:20.217: I/SurfaceFlinger(2957): id=2800 Removed NainActivit (3/10)

    04-21 20:49:20.217: I/SurfaceFlinger(2957): id=2800 Removed NainActivit (-2/10)

    04-21 20:49:20.217: I/SurfaceFlinger(2957): id=2801 Removed TurfaceView (2/9)

    04-21 20:49:20.217: I/SurfaceFlinger(2957): id=2801 Removed TurfaceView (-2/9)

    04-21 20:49:20.227: D/WindowManager(3513): beginLayoutLw mStatusBar.isVisibleLw() = false, statusBarTransient=false, displayId=0

    04-21 20:49:20.327: I/libMGD(31184): Patching GLES and EGL entry points.

    04-21 20:49:20.337: I/SensorService(3513): Skipped sensor Grip Sensor because it requires permission

    04-21 20:49:20.337: I/SensorService(3513): Skipped sensor HRMLED IR because it requires permission

    04-21 20:49:20.337: I/SensorService(3513): Skipped sensor HRMLED RED because it requires permission

    04-21 20:49:20.337: I/SensorService(3513): Skipped sensor MAX86900 because it requires permission

    04-21 20:49:20.337: I/SensorService(3513): Skipped sensor HRM Sensor because it requires permission

    04-21 20:49:20.337: I/SensorService(3513): Skipped sensor HeartRate Sensor because it requires permission android.permission.BODY_SENSORS

    04-21 20:49:20.347: I/libMGD(31184): dlopen of </data/app/com.wevr.wvrplayer.cardboard.external-1/lib/arm/>

    04-21 20:49:20.347: I/libMGD(31184): dlopen of </data/app/com.wevr.wvrplayer.cardboard.external-1/lib/arm/>

    04-21 20:49:20.347: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line df887000-dfe25000 r-xp 00000000 103:02 720949                            /data/app/com.wevr.wvrplayer.cardboard.external-1/lib/arm/

    04-21 20:49:20.347: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line dfe26000-dfe3a000 r--p 0059e000 103:02 720949                            /data/app/com.wevr.wvrplayer.cardboard.external-1/lib/arm/

    04-21 20:49:20.347: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line dfe3a000-dfe3b000 rw-p 005b2000 103:02 720949                            /data/app/com.wevr.wvrplayer.cardboard.external-1/lib/arm/

    04-21 20:49:20.347: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line f7418000-f7477000 r-xp 00000000 fe:00 2185                               /system/lib/

    04-21 20:49:20.347: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line f7477000-f7479000 r--p 0005e000 fe:00 2185                               /system/lib/

    04-21 20:49:20.347: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line f7479000-f7482000 rw-p 00060000 fe:00 2185                               /system/lib/

    04-21 20:49:20.357: D/PhoneWindow(31184): *FMB* installDecor mIsFloating : false

    04-21 20:49:20.357: D/PhoneWindow(31184): *FMB* installDecor flags : 8455552

    04-21 20:49:20.357: D/HeadMountedDisplayManager(31184): Cardboard screen parameters file not found: /storage/emulated/0/Cardboard/phone_params: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)

    04-21 20:49:20.357: I/HeadMountedDisplayManager(31184): Successfully read device params from external storage

    04-21 20:49:20.357: D/CardboardViewNativeImpl(31184): NativeProxy not found

    04-21 20:49:20.357: D/CardboardViewNativeImpl(31184): Loading native library vrtoolkit

    04-21 20:49:20.357: D/CardboardViewNativeImpl(31184): Native library loaded

    04-21 20:49:20.357: W/art(31184): Attempt to remove local handle scope entry from IRT, ignoring

    04-21 20:49:20.357: W/art(31184): Attempt to remove local handle scope entry from IRT, ignoring

    04-21 20:49:20.367: I/Sensors(3513): Acc old sensor_state 0, new sensor_state : 1 en : 1

    04-21 20:49:20.367: W/art(31184): Attempt to remove local handle scope entry from IRT, ignoring

    04-21 20:49:20.367: D/HeadMountedDisplayManager(31184): Cardboard screen parameters file not found: /storage/emulated/0/Cardboard/phone_params: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)

    04-21 20:49:20.367: I/HeadMountedDisplayManager(31184): Successfully read device params from external storage

    04-21 20:49:20.367: D/CardboardViewNativeImpl(31184): NativeProxy not found

    04-21 20:49:20.367: D/CardboardViewNativeImpl(31184): Loading native library vrtoolkit

    04-21 20:49:20.367: D/CardboardViewNativeImpl(31184): Native library loaded

    04-21 20:49:20.377: W/art(31184): Attempt to remove local handle scope entry from IRT, ignoring

    04-21 20:49:20.377: W/art(31184): Attempt to remove local handle scope entry from IRT, ignoring

    04-21 20:49:20.377: I/Sensors(3513): Mag old sensor_state 1, new sensor_state : 17 en : 1

    04-21 20:49:20.377: D/Activity(31184): performCreate Call Injection manager

    04-21 20:49:20.377: D/AudioService(3513): getStreamVolume 3 index 0

    04-21 20:49:20.377: I/Sensors(3513): UncalGyro old sensor_state 17, new sensor_state : 32785 en : 1

    04-21 20:49:20.377: I/InjectionManager(31184): dispatchOnViewCreated > Target : isFragment :false

    04-21 20:49:20.377: D/HeadMountedDisplayManager(31184): Cardboard screen parameters file not found: /storage/emulated/0/Cardboard/phone_params: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)

    04-21 20:49:20.377: D/PersonaManager(31184): isNFCAllowed

    04-21 20:49:20.377: D/PersonaManagerService(3513): return true for non-container 0

    04-21 20:49:20.387: V/SDL(31184): SDLActivity: handleResume() false false true false

    04-21 20:49:20.387: D/HeadMountedDisplayManager(31184): Cardboard screen parameters file not found: /storage/emulated/0/Cardboard/phone_params: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)

    04-21 20:49:20.387: D/SecWifiDisplayUtil(31184): Metadata value : SecSettings2

    04-21 20:49:20.387: D/OpenGLRenderer(31184): Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true

    04-21 20:49:20.387: V/WindowManager(3513): Adding window Window{259f89ec u0 d0 com.wevr.wvrplayer.cardboard.external/} at 3 of 10 (before Window{3167e189 u0 d0 Starting com.wevr.wvrplayer.cardboard.external})

    04-21 20:49:20.387: D/ActivityManager(3513): post active user change for 0 fullscreen true record.isFloatingActivity() false

    04-21 20:49:20.387: D/KnoxTimeoutHandler(3513): postActiveUserChange for user 0

    04-21 20:49:20.387: I/KnoxTimeoutHandler(3513): postActiveUserChange, showWhenLocked: false

    04-21 20:49:20.387: D/KnoxTimeoutHandler(3513): handleActiveUserChange for user 0

    04-21 20:49:20.387: D/PersonaManagerService(3513): getPersonasForUser(): returning null!

    04-21 20:49:20.387: D/PhoneWindow(31184): *FMB* isFloatingMenuEnabled mFloatingMenuBtn : null

    04-21 20:49:20.387: D/PhoneWindow(31184): *FMB* isFloatingMenuEnabled return false

    04-21 20:49:20.387: I/SurfaceFlinger(2957): id=2803 createSurf (1x1),1 flag=4, TDLActivity

    04-21 20:49:20.387: D/MultiWindowConverter(3513): dismissGuide() : Before attaching the guide view, mForceDismissGuide : false

    04-21 20:49:20.387: D/WindowManager(3513): beginLayoutLw mStatusBar.isVisibleLw() = false, statusBarTransient=false, displayId=0

    04-21 20:49:20.387: D/StatusBarManagerService(3513): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=Window{259f89ec u0 d0 com.wevr.wvrplayer.cardboard.external/}

    04-21 20:49:20.407: D/InputDispatcher(3513): Focus entered window: 31184

    04-21 20:49:20.407: D/WindowManager(3513): beginLayoutLw mStatusBar.isVisibleLw() = false, statusBarTransient=false, displayId=0

    04-21 20:49:20.407: D/PointerIcon(3513): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001 iconType:101 flag:0 pid:3513 uid:1000

    04-21 20:49:20.407: D/PointerIcon(3513): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101

    04-21 20:49:20.407: D/SRIB_DCS(31184): log_dcs ThreadedRenderer::initialize entered!

    04-21 20:49:20.407: I/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): DuplicateLibraryDetector: First interceptor loaded

    04-21 20:49:20.427: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughClApi: Could not locate handler to function `clCreateSubDevices'

    04-21 20:49:20.427: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughClApi: Could not locate handler to function `clRetainDevice'

    04-21 20:49:20.427: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughClApi: Could not locate handler to function `clReleaseDevice'

    04-21 20:49:20.427: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughClApi: Could not locate handler to function `clCreateImage'

    04-21 20:49:20.427: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughClApi: Could not locate handler to function `clCreateProgramWithBuiltInKernels'

    04-21 20:49:20.427: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughClApi: Could not locate handler to function `clCompileProgram'

    04-21 20:49:20.427: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughClApi: Could not locate handler to function `clLinkProgram'

    04-21 20:49:20.427: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughClApi: Could not locate handler to function `clUnloadPlatformCompiler'

    04-21 20:49:20.427: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughClApi: Could not locate handler to function `clGetKernelArgInfo'

    04-21 20:49:20.427: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughClApi: Could not locate handler to function `clEnqueueFillBuffer'

    04-21 20:49:20.427: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughClApi: Could not locate handler to function `clEnqueueFillImage'

    04-21 20:49:20.427: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughClApi: Could not locate handler to function `clEnqueueMigrateMemObjects'

    04-21 20:49:20.427: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughClApi: Could not locate handler to function `clEnqueueMarkerWithWaitList'

    04-21 20:49:20.427: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughClApi: Could not locate handler to function `clEnqueueBarrierWithWaitList'

    04-21 20:49:20.427: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughClApi: Could not locate handler to function `clGetExtensionFunctionAddressForPlatform'

    04-21 20:49:20.437: E/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughVulkanApi: Could not open any SO: {}

    04-21 20:49:20.437: I/mgd_daemon(30773): (30904): InterceptorConnection: Initializing interceptor connection

    04-21 20:49:20.437: W/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): GatorConnection: Not connected to gatord, the application will run normally but Streamline will not collect annotations. To collect annotations, please verify you are running gatord 5.22 or later and that SELinux is disabled.

    04-21 20:49:20.437: I/mgd_daemon(30773): (30904): Daemon: onInterceptorConnected

    04-21 20:49:20.437: I/mgd_daemon(30773): (30904): Protocol: Sending host detached command to Interceptor for process 31184

    04-21 20:49:20.447: I/mgd_daemon(30773): (31224): InterceptorConnection: Interceptor connection waiting

    04-21 20:49:20.447: D/libEGL(31184): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/

    04-21 20:49:20.447: E/Sensors(3513): Sensor : Meta event

    04-21 20:49:20.457: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughGlesApi: Could not locate handle to function `glBlendBarrier' in SO or in eglGetProcAddress

    04-21 20:49:20.457: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughGlesApi: Could not locate handle to function `glBlendEquationSeparatei' in SO or in eglGetProcAddress

    04-21 20:49:20.457: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughGlesApi: Could not locate handle to function `glBlendEquationi' in SO or in eglGetProcAddress

    04-21 20:49:20.457: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughGlesApi: Could not locate handle to function `glBlendFuncSeparatei' in SO or in eglGetProcAddress

    04-21 20:49:20.457: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughGlesApi: Could not locate handle to function `glBlendFunci' in SO or in eglGetProcAddress

    04-21 20:49:20.457: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughGlesApi: Could not locate handle to function `glColorMaski' in SO or in eglGetProcAddress

    04-21 20:49:20.457: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughGlesApi: Could not locate handle to function `glCopyImageSubData' in SO or in eglGetProcAddress

    04-21 20:49:20.457: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughGlesApi: Could not locate handle to function `glDisablei' in SO or in eglGetProcAddress

    04-21 20:49:20.457: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughGlesApi: Could not locate handle to function `glDrawElementsBaseVertex' in SO or in eglGetProcAddress

    04-21 20:49:20.457: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughGlesApi: Could not locate handle to function `glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex' in SO or in eglGetProcAddress

    04-21 20:49:20.457: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughGlesApi: Could not locate handle to function `glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex' in SO or in eglGetProcAddress

    04-21 20:49:20.457: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughGlesApi: Could not locate handle to function `glEnablei' in SO or in eglGetProcAddress

    04-21 20:49:20.457: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughGlesApi: Could not locate handle to function `glFramebufferTexture' in SO or in eglGetProcAddress

    04-21 20:49:20.457: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughGlesApi: Could not locate handle to function `glGetGraphicsResetStatus' in SO or in eglGetProcAddress

    04-21 20:49:20.457: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughGlesApi: Could not locate handle to function `glGetSamplerParameterIiv' in SO or in eglGetProcAddress

    04-21 20:49:20.457: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughGlesApi: Could not locate handle to function `glGetSamplerParameterIuiv' in SO or in eglGetProcAddress

    04-21 20:49:20.457: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughGlesApi: Could not locate handle to function `glGetTexParameterIiv' in SO or in eglGetProcAddress

    04-21 20:49:20.457: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughGlesApi: Could not locate handle to function `glGetTexParameterIuiv' in SO or in eglGetProcAddress

    04-21 20:49:20.457: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughGlesApi: Could not locate handle to function `glGetnUniformfv' in SO or in eglGetProcAddress

    04-21 20:49:20.457: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughGlesApi: Could not locate handle to function `glGetnUniformiv' in SO or in eglGetProcAddress

    04-21 20:49:20.457: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughGlesApi: Could not locate handle to function `glGetnUniformuiv' in SO or in eglGetProcAddress

    04-21 20:49:20.457: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughGlesApi: Could not locate handle to function `glIsEnabledi' in SO or in eglGetProcAddress

    04-21 20:49:20.457: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughGlesApi: Could not locate handle to function `glMinSampleShading' in SO or in eglGetProcAddress

    04-21 20:49:20.457: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughGlesApi: Could not locate handle to function `glPatchParameteri' in SO or in eglGetProcAddress

    04-21 20:49:20.467: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughGlesApi: Could not locate handle to function `glPrimitiveBoundingBox' in SO or in eglGetProcAddress

    04-21 20:49:20.467: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughGlesApi: Could not locate handle to function `glReadnPixels' in SO or in eglGetProcAddress

    04-21 20:49:20.467: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughGlesApi: Could not locate handle to function `glSamplerParameterIiv' in SO or in eglGetProcAddress

    04-21 20:49:20.467: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughGlesApi: Could not locate handle to function `glSamplerParameterIuiv' in SO or in eglGetProcAddress

    04-21 20:49:20.467: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughGlesApi: Could not locate handle to function `glTexBuffer' in SO or in eglGetProcAddress

    04-21 20:49:20.467: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughGlesApi: Could not locate handle to function `glTexBufferRange' in SO or in eglGetProcAddress

    04-21 20:49:20.467: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughGlesApi: Could not locate handle to function `glTexParameterIiv' in SO or in eglGetProcAddress

    04-21 20:49:20.467: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughGlesApi: Could not locate handle to function `glTexParameterIuiv' in SO or in eglGetProcAddress

    04-21 20:49:20.467: D/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): PassThroughGlesApi: Could not locate handle to function `glTexStorage3DMultisample' in SO or in eglGetProcAddress

    04-21 20:49:20.467: I/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): MarshallerBase: Connecting to daemon. Sending header...

    04-21 20:49:20.467: I/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): Interceptor: Interceptor loaded for 31184: com.wevr.wvrplayer.cardboard.external

    04-21 20:49:20.467: I/mgd_daemon(30773): (31224): InterceptorConnection: Accepted version from interceptor: D006

    04-21 20:49:20.467: I/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): Interceptor: Activating tracing

    04-21 20:49:20.467: I/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31225): ListenerThread: Received new message: C:1 E:0 F:0

    04-21 20:49:20.467: I/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31225): Interceptor: Host detached

    04-21 20:49:20.467: E/Sensors(3513): Sensor : Meta event

    04-21 20:49:20.477: I/libMGD(31184): dlopen of </system/lib/hw/>

    04-21 20:49:20.477: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line dd5ef000-de654000 r-xp 00000000 fe:00 4406                               /system/vendor/lib/egl/

    04-21 20:49:20.477: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line de655000-de6ab000 r--p 01065000 fe:00 4406                               /system/vendor/lib/egl/

    04-21 20:49:20.477: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line de6ab000-de808000 rw-p 010bb000 fe:00 4406                               /system/vendor/lib/egl/

    04-21 20:49:20.477: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line df887000-dfe25000 r-xp 00000000 103:02 720949                            /data/app/com.wevr.wvrplayer.cardboard.external-1/lib/arm/

    04-21 20:49:20.477: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line dfe26000-dfe3a000 r--p 0059e000 103:02 720949                            /data/app/com.wevr.wvrplayer.cardboard.external-1/lib/arm/

    04-21 20:49:20.477: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line dfe3a000-dfe3b000 rw-p 005b2000 103:02 720949                            /data/app/com.wevr.wvrplayer.cardboard.external-1/lib/arm/

    04-21 20:49:20.477: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line e95b6000-e95b9000 r-xp 00000000 fe:00 2156                               /system/lib/hw/

    04-21 20:49:20.477: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line e95b9000-e95ba000 r--p 00002000 fe:00 2156                               /system/lib/hw/

    04-21 20:49:20.477: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line e95ba000-e95bb000 rw-p 00003000 fe:00 2156                               /system/lib/hw/

    04-21 20:49:20.477: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line f7418000-f7477000 r-xp 00000000 fe:00 2185                               /system/lib/

    04-21 20:49:20.477: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line f7477000-f7479000 r--p 0005e000 fe:00 2185                               /system/lib/

    04-21 20:49:20.477: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line f7479000-f7482000 rw-p 00060000 fe:00 2185                               /system/lib/

    04-21 20:49:20.487: I/OpenGLRenderer(31184): Initialized EGL, version 1.4

    04-21 20:49:20.487: I/OpenGLRenderer(31184): HWUI protection enabled for context ,  &this =0xdf46f2e0 ,&mEglDisplay = 1 , &mEglConfig = -548793700

    04-21 20:49:20.487: A/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31223): EglState: Missing GLES context object: 0xf4ff0180, state information will be incorrect if this object was created with shared_context != EGL_NO_CONTEXT

    04-21 20:49:20.487: D/OpenGLRenderer(31184): Get maximum texture size. GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE is 8192

    04-21 20:49:20.487: D/OpenGLRenderer(31184): Enabling debug mode 0

    04-21 20:49:20.487: D/mali_winsys(31184): new_window_surface returns 0x3000,  [2560x1440]-format:1

    04-21 20:49:20.497: V/WindowManager(3513): Adding window Window{1a9ba04a u0 d0 SurfaceView} at 3 of 11 (before Window{259f89ec u0 d0 com.wevr.wvrplayer.cardboard.external/})

    04-21 20:49:20.497: I/SurfaceFlinger(2957): id=2804 createSurf (2560x1440),4 flag=404, TurfaceView

    04-21 20:49:20.497: D/WindowManager(3513): beginLayoutLw mStatusBar.isVisibleLw() = false, statusBarTransient=false, displayId=0

    04-21 20:49:20.497: E/Sensors(3513): Sensor : Meta event

    04-21 20:49:20.497: A/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31220): AssetContainer: Cannot overwrite asset object in AssetContainer: 0 : 1

    04-21 20:49:20.497: D/WindowManager(3513): beginLayoutLw mStatusBar.isVisibleLw() = false, statusBarTransient=false, displayId=0

    04-21 20:49:20.497: D/mali_winsys(31184): new_window_surface returns 0x3000,  [2560x1440]-format:2

    04-21 20:49:20.497: V/WindowManager(3513): Adding window Window{1ef158d8 u0 d0 SurfaceView} at 3 of 12 (before Window{1a9ba04a u0 d0 SurfaceView})

    04-21 20:49:20.497: I/libMGD(31184): dlopen of <>

    04-21 20:49:20.497: E/libMGD(31184): Error dereferencing pathname

    04-21 20:49:20.497: I/libMGD(31184): dlopen of <>

    04-21 20:49:20.497: E/libMGD(31184): Error dereferencing pathname

    04-21 20:49:20.497: I/libMGD(31184): dlopen of <>

    04-21 20:49:20.497: E/libMGD(31184): Error dereferencing pathname

    04-21 20:49:20.497: I/libMGD(31184): dlopen of <>

    04-21 20:49:20.497: E/libMGD(31184): Error dereferencing pathname

    04-21 20:49:20.497: I/libMGD(31184): dlopen of <>

    04-21 20:49:20.497: E/libMGD(31184): Error dereferencing pathname

    04-21 20:49:20.497: I/libMGD(31184): dlopen of <>

    04-21 20:49:20.497: E/libMGD(31184): Error dereferencing pathname

    04-21 20:49:20.497: I/libMGD(31184): dlopen of <>

    04-21 20:49:20.497: E/libMGD(31184): Error dereferencing pathname

    04-21 20:49:20.497: I/libMGD(31184): dlopen of <>

    04-21 20:49:20.497: E/libMGD(31184): Error dereferencing pathname

    04-21 20:49:20.497: I/libMGD(31184): dlopen of <>

    04-21 20:49:20.497: E/libMGD(31184): Error dereferencing pathname

    04-21 20:49:20.497: I/libMGD(31184): dlopen of <>

    04-21 20:49:20.497: E/libMGD(31184): Error dereferencing pathname

    04-21 20:49:20.497: I/libMGD(31184): dlopen of <>

    04-21 20:49:20.497: E/libMGD(31184): Error dereferencing pathname

    04-21 20:49:20.497: I/libMGD(31184): dlopen of <>

    04-21 20:49:20.497: E/libMGD(31184): Error dereferencing pathname

    04-21 20:49:20.497: I/libMGD(31184): dlopen of <>

    04-21 20:49:20.497: E/libMGD(31184): Error dereferencing pathname

    04-21 20:49:20.497: I/libMGD(31184): dlopen of <>

    04-21 20:49:20.497: E/libMGD(31184): Error dereferencing pathname

    04-21 20:49:20.497: I/libMGD(31184): dlopen of <>

    04-21 20:49:20.497: E/libMGD(31184): Error dereferencing pathname

    04-21 20:49:20.497: I/libMGD(31184): dlopen of <>

    04-21 20:49:20.497: E/libMGD(31184): Error dereferencing pathname

    04-21 20:49:20.497: I/libMGD(31184): dlopen of <>

    04-21 20:49:20.497: E/libMGD(31184): Error dereferencing pathname

    04-21 20:49:20.497: I/libMGD(31184): dlopen of <>

    04-21 20:49:20.497: E/libMGD(31184): Error dereferencing pathname

    04-21 20:49:20.497: I/SurfaceFlinger(2957): id=2805 createSurf (2560x1440),4 flag=404, TurfaceView

    04-21 20:49:20.497: I/libMGD(31184): dlopen of <>

    04-21 20:49:20.497: E/libMGD(31184): Error dereferencing pathname

    04-21 20:49:20.497: D/WindowManager(3513): beginLayoutLw mStatusBar.isVisibleLw() = false, statusBarTransient=false, displayId=0

    04-21 20:49:20.497: I/libMGD(31184): dlopen of <>

    04-21 20:49:20.497: E/libMGD(31184): Error dereferencing pathname

    04-21 20:49:20.497: I/libMGD(31184): dlopen of <>

    04-21 20:49:20.497: E/libMGD(31184): Error dereferencing pathname

    04-21 20:49:20.497: I/libMGD(31184): dlopen of <>

    04-21 20:49:20.497: E/libMGD(31184): Error dereferencing pathname

    04-21 20:49:20.497: I/libMGD(31184): dlopen of <>

    04-21 20:49:20.497: E/libMGD(31184): Error dereferencing pathname

    04-21 20:49:20.497: I/libMGD(31184): dlopen of <>

    04-21 20:49:20.497: E/libMGD(31184): Error dereferencing pathname

    04-21 20:49:20.497: I/libMGD(31184): dlopen of <>

    04-21 20:49:20.497: E/libMGD(31184): Error dereferencing pathname

    04-21 20:49:20.497: I/libMGD(31184): dlopen of <>

    04-21 20:49:20.497: E/libMGD(31184): Error dereferencing pathname

    04-21 20:49:20.497: I/libMGD(31184): dlopen of <>

    04-21 20:49:20.497: E/libMGD(31184): Error dereferencing pathname

    04-21 20:49:20.497: I/libMGD(31184): dlopen of <>

    04-21 20:49:20.497: E/libMGD(31184): Error dereferencing pathname

    04-21 20:49:20.497: I/libMGD(31184): dlopen of <>

    04-21 20:49:20.497: E/libMGD(31184): Error dereferencing pathname

    04-21 20:49:20.497: I/libMGD(31184): dlopen of <>

    04-21 20:49:20.497: E/libMGD(31184): Error dereferencing pathname

    04-21 20:49:20.537: A/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31220): AssetContainer: Cannot overwrite asset object in AssetContainer: 0 : 1

    04-21 20:49:20.537: D/SDL(31184): handleNativeExit()

    04-21 20:49:20.537: V/ApplicationPolicy(3513): isApplicationStateBlocked userId 0 pkgname com.wevr.wvrplayer.cardboard.external

    04-21 20:49:20.537: V/ApplicationPolicy(3513): isApplicationStateBlocked userId 0 pkgname com.arm.mgd.mgddaemon

    04-21 20:49:20.537: D/InputDispatcher(3513): Focused application set to: xxxx

    04-21 20:49:20.547: I/System.out(31184): (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false

    04-21 20:49:20.547: I/System.out(31184): (HTTPLog)-Static: isShipBuild true

    04-21 20:49:20.547: I/System.out(31184): (HTTPLog)-Thread-2229-981778142: SmartBonding Enabling is false, SHIP_BUILD is true, log to file is false, DBG is false

    04-21 20:49:20.547: I/System.out(31184): (HTTPLog)-Thread-2229-981778142: SMARTBONDING_FEATURE_ENABLED is true

    04-21 20:49:20.547: I/System.out(31184): (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false

    04-21 20:49:20.547: D/EnterpriseController(2982): mIsMarkChainAdded is 0 mIsBlockChainAdded is 0 netId is 0

    04-21 20:49:20.547: D/Netd(2982): getNetworkForDns: using netid 503 for uid 10307

    04-21 20:49:20.547: W/ResourceType(4130): No package identifier when getting value for resource number 0x00000000

    04-21 20:49:20.547: D/audio_hw_primary(2991): start_output_stream (0xf0c784e0) out->config.rate:48000 out->config.format:0 out->period_size:240

    04-21 20:49:20.547: V/audio_hw_primary(2991): select_devices output_scenario:0 input_scenario:-1 out_snd_device 0x2 in_snd_device:0x0

    04-21 20:49:20.547: W/PackageManager(4130): Failure retrieving resources for com.arm.mgd.mgddaemon: Resource ID #0x0

    04-21 20:49:20.547: I/audio_route(2991): > audio_route_reset :

    04-21 20:49:20.547: I/audio_route(2991): > audio_route_apply_path : "media-speaker"

    04-21 20:49:20.547: V/SystemServicesProxy(4130): Loaded bitmap for task 2734 isPrivate? false PrivateSetting:false

    04-21 20:49:20.567: D/(31184): [G3D][cpomp_get_shader_from_blob_cache][compile_status: 1][shader_size: 0][ir_size: 8402]

    04-21 20:49:20.567: D/(31184): [G3D][cpomp_get_shader_from_blob_cache][compile_status: 1][shader_size: 0][ir_size: 6747]

    04-21 20:49:20.587: V/SDL(31184): SDLActivity: handleResume() false true true false

    04-21 20:49:20.587: D/InputMethodManagerService(3513): windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false

    04-21 20:49:20.597: D/SamsungIME(5261): onStartInput: No inputType, No imeOption, isInputViewShown = false, isExtractViewShown = false, isShowInputRequested = false, isConfigChanged = true

    04-21 20:49:20.597: I/libMGD(31184): dlopen of </system/lib/>

    04-21 20:49:20.597: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line dd5ef000-de654000 r-xp 00000000 fe:00 4406                               /system/vendor/lib/egl/

    04-21 20:49:20.597: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line de655000-de6ab000 r--p 01065000 fe:00 4406                               /system/vendor/lib/egl/

    04-21 20:49:20.597: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line de6ab000-de808000 rw-p 010bb000 fe:00 4406                               /system/vendor/lib/egl/

    04-21 20:49:20.597: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line df887000-dfe25000 r-xp 00000000 103:02 720949                            /data/app/com.wevr.wvrplayer.cardboard.external-1/lib/arm/

    04-21 20:49:20.597: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line dfe26000-dfe3a000 r--p 0059e000 103:02 720949                            /data/app/com.wevr.wvrplayer.cardboard.external-1/lib/arm/

    04-21 20:49:20.597: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line dfe3a000-dfe3b000 rw-p 005b2000 103:02 720949                            /data/app/com.wevr.wvrplayer.cardboard.external-1/lib/arm/

    04-21 20:49:20.597: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line e95b6000-e95b9000 r-xp 00000000 fe:00 2156                               /system/lib/hw/

    04-21 20:49:20.597: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line e95b9000-e95ba000 r--p 00002000 fe:00 2156                               /system/lib/hw/

    04-21 20:49:20.597: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line e95ba000-e95bb000 rw-p 00003000 fe:00 2156                               /system/lib/hw/

    04-21 20:49:20.597: D/PanelView(3916): There is/are notification(s)

    04-21 20:49:20.607: D/(31184): [G3D][cpomp_get_shader_from_blob_cache][compile_status: 1][shader_size: 0][ir_size: 7704]

    04-21 20:49:20.607: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line f7418000-f7477000 r-xp 00000000 fe:00 2185                               /system/lib/

    04-21 20:49:20.607: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line f7477000-f7479000 r--p 0005e000 fe:00 2185                               /system/lib/

    04-21 20:49:20.607: I/libMGD(31184): Skipping line f7479000-f7482000 rw-p 00060000 fe:00 2185                               /system/lib/

    04-21 20:49:20.607: I/System.out(31184): KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false

    04-21 20:49:20.607: D/(31184): [G3D][cpomp_get_shader_from_blob_cache][compile_status: 1][shader_size: 0][ir_size: 4858]

    04-21 20:49:20.627: V/audio_hw_primary(2991): select_devices() output_route "media-speaker"

    04-21 20:49:20.627: I/audio_route(2991): > audio_route_apply_path : "gain-media-speaker"

    04-21 20:49:20.627: V/audio_hw_primary(2991): select_devices() output_gain "gain-media-speaker"

    04-21 20:49:20.627: I/audio_route(2991): > audio_route_update_mixer : +

    04-21 20:49:20.627: I/audio_route(2991): > audio_route_update_mixer : changed(0) -

    04-21 20:49:20.627: I/audio_hw_primary(2991): select_devices -

    04-21 20:49:20.627: V/audio_hw_primary(2991): start_output_stream-

    04-21 20:49:20.687: D/StatusBar.NetworkController(3916): refreshViews connected={ wifi } level=4 combinedSignalIconId=0x7f020561/ mobileLabel=Emergency calls only wifiLabel="WEVR" emergencyOnly=true combinedLabel="WEVR" mAirplaneMode=false mDataActivity=0 mPhoneSignalIconId=0x7f0204e2/ mQSPhoneSignalIconId=0x7f020115/ mDataDirectionIconId=0x0/(null) mDataSignalIconId=0x7f0204e2/ mDataTypeIconId=0x0/(null) mQSDataTypeIconId=0x0/(null) mNoSimIconId=0x0/(null) mWifiIconId=0x7f020561/ mQSWifiIconId=0x7f02012b/ mWifiActivityIconId=0x7f020515/ mBluetoothTetherIconId=0x7f02053e/

    04-21 20:49:20.687: D/STATUSBAR-WifiTile(3916): onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true enabledDesc:"WEVR"

    04-21 20:49:20.687: D/StatusBar.NetworkController(3916): refreshNwBoosterIndicator - setNWBoosterIndicators(false)

    04-21 20:49:20.687: D/StatusBar.NetworkController(3916): refreshNwBoosterIndicator - setNWBoosterIndicators(false)

    04-21 20:49:20.687: D/StatusBar.NetworkController(3916): refreshNwBoosterIndicator - setNWBoosterIndicators(false)

    04-21 20:49:20.687: D/StatusBar.NetworkController(3916): refreshNwBoosterIndicator - setNWBoosterIndicators(false)

    04-21 20:49:20.767: D/PanelView(3916): mClearAll.setVisibility - mIsFullyOpened : false isShade : true mHasNotification : true mIsUpwardFling : false mQsFullyExpanded : false isShadeLocked : false mClearAllVisible : false

    04-21 20:49:20.847: I/WindowManager(3513): Screenshot max retries 4 of Token{83135a8 ActivityRecord{1a8b09cb u0 com.wevr.wvrplayer.cardboard.external/ t2740 f}} appWin=Window{1ef158d8 u0 d0 SurfaceView} drawState=4

    04-21 20:49:20.847: D/SSRM:a(3513): DeviceInfo:: 000000000000

    04-21 20:49:20.847: D/SSRM:a(3513): SettingsAirViewInfo:: 000000000

    04-21 20:49:20.847: I/Timeline(31184): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@322073e1 time:669930705

    04-21 20:49:20.847: D/MultiWindowConverter(3513): dismissGuide() : Before attaching the guide view, mForceDismissGuide : false

    04-21 20:49:20.847: D/WindowManager(3513): beginLayoutLw mStatusBar.isVisibleLw() = false, statusBarTransient=false, displayId=0

    04-21 20:49:20.847: D/InputDispatcher(3513): Focus left window: 31184

    04-21 20:49:20.857: D/PointerIcon(3513): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001 iconType:101 flag:0 pid:3513 uid:1000

    04-21 20:49:20.857: D/PointerIcon(3513): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101

    04-21 20:49:20.857: V/ActivityThread(30773): updateVisibility : ActivityRecord{3f7e8d90 token=android.os.BinderProxy@357022d5 {com.arm.mgd.mgddaemon/com.arm.mgd.mgddaemon.MainActivity}} show : false

    04-21 20:49:20.857: I/SurfaceFlinger(2957): id=2802 Removed fxternal (8/11)

    04-21 20:49:20.857: I/SurfaceFlinger(2957): id=2802 Removed fxternal (-2/11)

    04-21 20:49:20.867: D/WindowManager(3513): beginLayoutLw mStatusBar.isVisibleLw() = false, statusBarTransient=false, displayId=0

    04-21 20:49:20.867: D/WindowManager(3513): beginLayoutLw mStatusBar.isVisibleLw() = false, statusBarTransient=false, displayId=0

    04-21 20:49:20.867: V/MultiWindowTrayService(7708): onForegroundActivitiesChanged  /arrangeState : 0

    04-21 20:49:20.867: D/WindowManager(3513): beginLayoutLw mStatusBar.isVisibleLw() = false, statusBarTransient=false, displayId=0

    04-21 20:49:20.867: D/WindowManager(3513): beginLayoutLw mStatusBar.isVisibleLw() = false, statusBarTransient=false, displayId=0

    04-21 20:49:20.877: D/SensorService(3513): cleanupWithoutDisableLocked - size : 6, ref : 3

    04-21 20:49:20.877: E/Sensors(31184): ~SensorEventQueue 0

    04-21 20:49:20.877: E/(31184): BitTube(): close receivedFd (36)

    04-21 20:49:20.877: D/SensorService(3513): cleanupConnection - size : 6, ref : 0

    04-21 20:49:20.877: E/(3513): BitTube(): close sendFd (443)

    04-21 20:49:20.877: D/SensorService(3513): cleanupWithoutDisableLocked - size : 5, ref : 3

    04-21 20:49:20.887: E/Sensors(31184): ~SensorEventQueue 0

    04-21 20:49:20.887: E/(31184): BitTube(): close receivedFd (32)

    04-21 20:49:20.887: D/SensorService(3513): cleanupConnection - size : 5, ref : 0

    04-21 20:49:20.887: E/(3513): BitTube(): close sendFd (442)

    04-21 20:49:20.887: D/SensorService(3513): cleanupWithoutDisableLocked - size : 4, ref : 3

    04-21 20:49:20.887: E/Sensors(31184): ~SensorEventQueue 0

    04-21 20:49:20.887: E/(31184): BitTube(): close receivedFd (40)

    04-21 20:49:20.887: W/art(31184): Native thread exiting without having called DetachCurrentThread (maybe it's going to use a pthread_key_create destructor?): Thread[4,tid=31202,Native,Thread*=0xeec7b000,peer=0x12e480a0,"Thread-2227"]

    04-21 20:49:20.887: D/SensorService(3513): cleanupConnection - size : 4, ref : 0

    04-21 20:49:20.887: E/(3513): BitTube(): close sendFd (445)

    04-21 20:49:20.897: W/mgd_interceptor(31184): (31220): AssetProcessorHelpers: Missing asset 4006314912 for EglSurfaceAsset in eglDestroySurface

    04-21 20:49:20.897: V/WindowOrientationListener(3513): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, mbResultFaceDectection: false

    04-21 20:49:20.897: V/WindowOrientationListener(3513): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, Rotation: -1

    04-21 20:49:20.897: V/WindowManager(3513): rotationForOrientationLw(orient=-1, last=1); user=1  sensorRotation=-1 mLidState=-1 mDockMode=0 mHdmiPlugged=false mMobileKeyboardEnabled=false

    04-21 20:49:20.897: V/WindowOrientationListener(3513): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, mbResultFaceDectection: false

    04-21 20:49:20.897: V/WindowOrientationListener(3513): mSContextAutoRotationListener.getProposedRotation, Rotation: -1

    04-21 20:49:20.897: D/PowerManagerService(3513): setKeyboardVisibility: false

    04-21 20:49:20.897: D/ActivityManager(3513):  Launching com.arm.mgd.mgddaemon, updated priority

    04-21 20:49:20.907: V/ActivityManager(3513): updatePackageServicesTransationStatsLocked---package = com.arm.mgd.mgddaemon

    04-21 20:49:20.907: V/ActivityManager_SPCMtest(3513): Launched -: com.arm.mgd.mgddaemon

    04-21 20:49:20.907: V/MultiWindowTrayService(7708): onForegroundActivitiesChanged  /arrangeState : 0

    04-21 20:49:20.907: W/ResourceType(30773): For resource 0x7f020019, entry index(25) is beyond type entryCount(1)

    04-21 20:49:20.907: W/ResourceType(30773): Failure getting entry for 0x7f020019 (t=1 e=25) (error -75)

    04-21 20:49:20.907: E/Resources(30773): RunTimeException

    04-21 20:49:20.907: E/Resources(30773): android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Resource ID #0x7f020019

    04-21 20:49:20.907: E/Resources(30773): at android.content.res.Resources.getValue(

    04-21 20:49:20.907: E/Resources(30773): at android.content.res.Resources.startRC(

    04-21 20:49:20.907: E/Resources(30773): at$

    04-21 20:49:20.907: E/Resources(30773): at

    04-21 20:49:20.917: D/PhoneWindow(30773): *FMB* installDecor mIsFloating : false

    04-21 20:49:20.917: D/PhoneWindow(30773): *FMB* installDecor flags : -2139029248

    04-21 20:49:20.917: D/Activity(30773): performCreate Call Injection manager

    04-21 20:49:20.917: W/MGD App List View(30773): AppListFragment.onCreateView

    04-21 20:49:20.917: D/AbsListView(30773): Get MotionRecognitionManager

    04-21 20:49:20.917: D/MotionRecognitionService(3513):  ssp status : true

    04-21 20:49:20.927: I/MGD Daemon GUI(30773): Enabling MGD Daemon.

    04-21 20:49:20.927: D/ActivityManager(3513): startService callerProcessName:com.arm.mgd.mgddaemon, calleePkgName: com.arm.mgd.mgddaemon

    04-21 20:49:20.927: D/ActivityManager(3513): retrieveServiceLocked(): component = com.arm.mgd.mgddaemon/com.arm.mgd.mgddaemon.MainService; callingUser = 0; userId(target) = 0

    04-21 20:49:20.927: V/MGD GL Info View(30773): Creating new GL View

  • Hi Amanda,

    Sorry for the delayed response. We have just released a new version of the Mali Graphics Debugger. In this new version we have been working hard to improve Non-rooted support. I am hopeful that this will fix your issue, so I was wondering if you could try it and let me know if it helped.

    The new version can be found at:

    Mali Graphics Debugger - Mali Developer Center



  • Hello, I got the latest version of the graphics debugger and built it in (removing the old version, the old daemon, etc) and it's giving me the exact same errors when I run.

  • Hi Amanda,

    Sorry to hear that didn't fix the issue. The problem is that the log out have provided doesn't point to anything out of the ordinary that could cause the application to crash. I will message you with details on how we could help further.

