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I'd like to use MGD on Vulkan device equipped with ARM GPU. Where can I get interceptor layer?

I have access to an Android device with ARM GPU. I'd like to use MGD for Vulkan application. According to MGD manual I have to contact you here. So, please tell me where can I download interceptor layer for vulkan for MGD?

Thank you.

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  • Thank you for the answer, but I already know that MGD 3.4 supports Vulkan. But documentation say


    The MGD interceptor for Vulkan is implemented using the Vulkan layers system. Different layers can

    be present on your target system or within you application itself. Layers must be enabled as part of the

    system or as part of your application at runtime. To choose which layers are enabled you must specify

    the layer names, for MGD the layer name is "VK_LAYER_ARM_MGD". The MGD daemon application

    must be started on your target platform before the application you want to trace.




    If you have access to a Mali device with Vulkan and would like to use MGD, please contact us using

    the ARM Mali Graphics Community.


    There's no separate layer shared library with distribution of MGD. I suppose this message says I have to contact ARM Mali Graphics Community to receive it. That's why I asked the question.

  • Hi valentyn,

    Apologies for the roundabout method here, but we weren't sure when we shipped 3.4.1 what the final method of using Vulkan layers on Android would look like, it will be improved for the next release.

    The MGD interceptor libraries for OpenGL ES/EGL/OpenCL actually contain the Vulkan layer.

    So if you:

    1. Get the correct from: <MGD installation folder>/target/android/<correct architecture>/
    2. Rename it to

    You will have an MGD Vulkan layer.

    To install:

    If you have root:

    1. Put it in /data/local/debug/vulkan/
    2. Enable the layer using adb shell setprop debug.vulkan.layers VK_LAYER_ARM_MGD:
    3. Every Vulkan app launched from that point on will be intercepted

    We've tested this on a Samsung Galaxy S7.

    If you don't have root then package it with your app and enable it using the Vulkan API. We haven't actually had a chance to try this approach yet so I can't guarantee this will work.

    As the documentation says the MGD daemon (or damon app for non-rooted devices) still needs to be installed and running in the normal way.

    Hope that helps, let me know if it's not clear or it doesn't work.



  • Hello Jonathan,

    Thank you for the comprehensive explanation. That's help much. I'll try and let you know if it works in my case.