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Graphics Analyzer wrong overdraw?


Can anything make Graphics Analyzer to report wrong overdraws? I ask because my scene has one draw call of a rather simple geometry causing the overdraw to jump from 0 to 8 on the output pixels. Back face culling is on. I can't think of anything else that would make it have such a huge jump. Is there any GL state that I should be wary about? I am hovering the mouse pointer over the output pixels and the histogram also show a large amount of 8x overdraw pixels.



  • We implement overdraw using shader replacement, so it sounds like our shader replacement for overdraw is failing on one of your render passes. Your email never seemed to arrive our side - if you need more help can you try and send it again?


  • We implement overdraw using shader replacement, so it sounds like our shader replacement for overdraw is failing on one of your render passes. Your email never seemed to arrive our side - if you need more help can you try and send it again?

