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Why is ARM Graphics Analyzer capture button unclickable

My phone is connected to AGA, but the capture button and serveral other buttons are gray and unclickable, what is probable cause of this ? 

BTW the android api level is 25.

  • update: I build apk from local project and can capture frame.

    There is a new issue, the number in fragment and total cycles column is all zero, and percent cycles is all N/A, that is not right I think.

    Please shed some light, these data are very important to analyze shader performance.

    Many thanks.

  • update: I build apk from local project and can capture frame.

    There is a new issue, the number in fragment and total cycles column is all zero, and percent cycles is all N/A, that is not right I think.

    Please shed some light, these data are very important to analyze shader performance.

    Many thanks.
