Hello there,
I add a job schedule policy ( similar to mali_kbase_js_policy_cfs along with the driver ) to the driver, and the new driver starts and init normally.
But it continually report following errors, and the graphic and opencl stack in user space can not run.
Error 1:
[ 73.559188] [B0] Mali<ERROR, BASE_JM>: In file: drivers/gpu/arm/t6xx/kbase/src/common/mali_kbase_jm.c line: 172 function:kbase_jo
[ 73.559200] [B0] t6xx: GPU fault 0x58 from job slot 0
I search in the driver, 0x58 means is "BASE_JD_EVENT_DATA_INVALID_FAULT".
Question 1:
What does BASE_JD_EVENT_DATA_INVALID_FAULT actually mean?
What should I do to solve the problem?
Error 2:
[ 74.184232] [B3] fences:
[ 74.184235] [B3] --------------
[ 74.184239] [B3] [dea76a80] mali_fence: signaled
[ 74.184243] [B3] malitl_1731_0x405a87f8_pt signaled@27.532617: 4(0) / 30
[ 74.184251] [B3] [dd77cc80] StrictModeFlash:1: signaled
[ 74.184255] [B3] s3c-fb_pt signaled@29.167068: 25 / 77
[ 74.184262] [B3] [dc89d900] mali_fence: signaled
[ 74.184269] [B3] malitl_1731_0x405a87f8_pt signaled@55.510202: 20(0) / 30
[ 74.184277] [B3] [dc8a0e80] mali_fence: error
[ 74.184281] [B3] malitl_1731_0x405a87f8_pt error@55.959635: 26(-14) / 30
[ 74.184305] [B3] s3c-fb_pt signaled@72.532865: 76 / 77
Question 2:
What does the error mean?
Which source code does the error come from?
Best Regards,