Hi there!
I'm kinda new to the OpenGL land, so this might just be a stupid mistake. First of all, I need my shaders to cross-compile with HLSL, so there is some macro-foo in my shaders, but I don't think these are getting me into this trouble here.
We didn't get the shaders to run properly on AMD-Hardware (Vertices messed up), but only when I accessed some varyings for Texture-Coordinates and Normals. However, I've come to a similar problem on my Nvidia GTX570, which seems really strange.
The following happens:
I have this vertex-shader here (stripped some #defines and stuff, but you should get the idea):
// [...]
attribute float3 in_Position;
attribute float3 in_Normal;
attribute float2 in_TexCoord;
attribute float2 in_LightmapCoord;
uniform float4x4 Model;
uniform float4x4 View;
uniform float4x4 Projection;
uniform float4x4 ModelViewProj;
uniform float2 LightmapPos;
uniform float2 LightmapPatchSize;
varying float3 v_WorldPos;
varying float3 v_Normal;
varying float2 v_TexCoord;
varying float2 v_LightmapCoord;
void main()
v_WorldPos = mul(float4(in_Position.xyz, 1.0f), Model);
gl_Position = mul(float4(in_Position.xyz, 1.0f), ModelViewProj);
//v_Normal = in_Normal;
v_Normal= float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.1f);
v_TexCoord = IN_TexCoord;
v_LightmapCoord = in_LightmapCoord * LightmapPatchSize + LightmapPos;
This shader messes up the texture-coordinates (Both v_TexCoord and v_LightmapCoord) in the fragment shader, but only, when I assign the float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.1f); to v_Normal. When I uncomment the line above instead, they are working just fine.
So it comes down to this:
v_Normal = IN_Normal; // Works fine
v_Normal= float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.1f); // Messes up texture-coordinates
Can someone please explain what is happening there? I would really appreciate a solution, since I have no idea what is going wrong there...