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building OpenCV with OpenCL support on Samsung Chromebook

I am trying to build OpenCV version with OpenCL support on a Samsung Chromebook. I followed the instructions in Graphics and Compute Development on Samsung Chromebook « Mali Developer Center in order to get a development environment set up. I also downloaded the Mali OpenCL SDK version 1.1 from Mali OpenCL SDK « Mali Developer Center.

When I try to build OpenCV with OpenCL support (pointing the OpenCV build to the Mali OpenCL SDK for the OpenCL files), the build gets 79% of the way through and then stops with an internal compiler error:

/extra/OpenCV/opencv- In function 'void cv::ocl::copyMakeBorder(const cv::ocl::oclMat&. cv::ocl::oclMat&, int, int, int, int, int, const Scalar&)':

/extra/OpenCV/opencv- internal compiler error: output_operand: invalid expression as operand

I have successfully built OpenCV version with OpenCL support on other platforms using the same version of gcc (4.6.3).

Has anyone else run into this issue?