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Depth texture linearization banding on Mali 400

Note: This was originally posted on 19th June 2013 at

Hello Mali devs,

We are working on an application that performs depth buffer based post processing effects, mainly for fog. We are using 24bit depth for the main scene. However when sampling this depth, the results are very banded (see attachment) due to the non linear nature of the depth buffer and Mali400's mediump 0-1 precision (2^-10 I believe). With most depth values lying in the 0.96-1.0 range, the precision is obviously insufficient. Are there any workarounds that would allow use to leverage the non fractional range of mediump floats? I suspect there isn't however wanted to make sure as the platform does provide depth24 and depth texture extensions. The option of vertex based fogging is an alternative, however, we hope to stay away from that due to the added global cost of the technique.

Many thanks,
