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Getting video in amlogic8726-m3

Note: This was originally posted on 25th March 2013 at

Hi everyone

I'm working on an amlogic8726-m3 set tb box trying to get debian linux to run natvely.

I've managed to get a kernel running on a base root filesystem. But i'm not able to get anything on the screen except for the A9 logo.

I can play a movie with mplayer or vlc (command line versions based on directfb or sdl) and get audio thru the hdmi input of the tv. But the screen stays black with the A9 logo.

Same happens if I try to run Xorg with the generic fbdev driver (can't compile mali_drm required by X11 accelerated mali driver because of a kernel version mismatch).

Any help would be more than appreciated.

Thanks a lot!