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Renderscript on Nexus 10

Note: This was originally posted on 23rd January 2013 at


i am very much interested in GPGPU on mobile devices.
According to Google Android 4.2 on Nexus 10 is supporting Renderscript running on GPU.

Over the past weeks we have implemented a benchmark with quite a number of filters running on .rs , .fs, using rs intrinsic and on OpenGL|ES.
We got best results (on Nexus 10) from either Intrinsic or OpenGL|ES. Pure .rs seems not to run on GPU and .fs is very limited.

The Renderscript documentation is kind of weak when it comes to Renderscript, in particular Filterscript.

Is  there a kind of "How to write Renderscript for Mali T-604" document available ?
Any further details would be very much appreciated.

BR Bastian