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SimpleProject (Simple OpenGL ES 2.0 Example) expected performance?

Note: This was originally posted on 5th September 2012 at


I am running the SimpleProject sample code posted here (http://www.malidevel...-code/index.php), on a Origen development board (samsung Exynos 4210) that has MALI400. It's a linux kernel version 2.6.35-7. The driver version is r3p0. Also using DS-5 CE Streamline.

The program simply draws a triangle repeatedly as fast as it can, but the performance is rather low.

I am seeing 5 FPS (roughtly 200ms per frame) when I capture Steramline data. Without the streamline, it is 189ms per frame. (time interval between the main loop iteration). Most of the time (over 99%) is spent in eglSwapBuffers() function.

The timeline view doesn't really tell me much. It has very low GPU Vertex/Fragment Activity, which perfectly makes sense. But why wouldn't it go faster? Is this the SimpleProject sample application? or would it be somewhere else in the stack?

