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Help on eglCreateContext error 0x3005

Note: This was originally posted on 12th July 2010 at

Hi all,

I have been trying to use the Mali emulator on my laptop using the Beta version 1.2.

Everything is installed correctly but at runtime, when I try to create the context (using eglCreateContext), I'm always receiving the error 0x3005 (EGL_BAD_CONFIG).

For testing purpose, I have reduce to the minimum the aEGLAttributes in order to get the maximum EGL config and I have tried to initialize all of them without sucess.

I have already used this SDK on another laptop with windows XP and it's works fine with the default configuration.

I have done two trial on my laptop and a desktop both with windows 7 and it's the same results.

Both computer are in 64bits with NVIDIA graphic cards (310M and 250 GTS).

I have no clue on how to solve this issue. May be the runtime lib are not compatible with the windows 7/64bits architecture...

