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FBO doesn't work?

Note: This was originally posted on 12th September 2011 at

Sorry, this is a repost of a question I added to someone else's thread. It's a similar issue, but went unanswered. I kind of need to get an answer on this:

I create the FBO, bind it to a texture, check the status to make sure it's framebuffer complete, then set it to the rendering buffer, and call DrawElements. DrawElements fails with "GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION" error. This is a bit of a mystery since I check the completeness status on the line immediately prior to the draw call and it claims to be framebuffer complete.

Do the settings on the texture object matter, e.g. repeat/linear/reflect. Does Mali require me to specify a depth or stencil buffer? Does it require an alpha channel?

This code works on Tegra2 and Adreno 205. Not sure why Mali doesn't like it.


Edit: Added example Android code that doesn't work as it should on the SGS2.