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Handling multiple APIs

Note: This was originally posted on 28th January 2010 at

Hello mali community,

It's nice to see some competition in the 3d mobile space. This will guarantee that we see higher quality and improved speed of development from both Mali and ImgTec.  

I would like to have some Tips on how to best handle multiple APIs like mixing OpenGL ES 2.x with OpenVG, what is Mali stance on OpenKode?

Also tips on how to best handle multiple platforms, using cmake or other tools, cross-compilation, etc... would be very appreciated.

I have not inspected the demo engine code yet. However i would like to read something (article/whitepaper) along the lines of AMDs Sushi demo engine. That is, how game engine designers should handle multiple deployment platforms and multiple APIs (DX9/OGL2.x/OGLES2.x/OpenCL)