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How can I upgrade Mali device driver?

Note: This was originally posted on 4th October 2012 at

Hi, I am Daisy.

I'm trying to upgrade Mali driver on my board.

Linux kernel : 3.0.15
Processor : exynos4210
Target Mali driver version: r3p0

I only replaced Mali driver in the kernel .
And I could get linux kernel image successfully. (Mali driver is built -in form.)
I turned on my board and saw all black screen.
I also checked memory address in config.h file.
I only saw booting screen then the screen was changed in black..

is there any other driver should I replace? such as gralloc driver...

I have a one more thing..
I want to use streamline for Mali profiling.
But I failed with linux kernel.2.6.25 and Gingerbread.
What version of linux kernel and Mali driver was verified for gpu profiling?
Or should I change something in my setting?

I am so ignorant about this.
Kindly let me know.

Thank you