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'gator driver' Complie error when enabling the GPU profiling option

Note: This was originally posted on 18th September 2012 at

Hi. developers.
Thank you in advance for your attention.

I am trying to profile the android device using ARM Streamline Performance Analyzer.
The target device is Odroid-A4 which is already tested by ARM Streamline team members (I see the YouTube video clips).
According to the ARM Streamline Menual, I compiled both gator daemon (gatord) and module driver (gator.ko)without errors and they works well.

However, I am in trouble when enabling the GPU profiling option.
According to the menual, the following two lines should be added into the gator driver make file.


So I modified the make file like that since the mali driver source code is located in that path.


However, the complie error occurs since 'mali_linux_trace.h' file can't be found in path. 

make: Entering directory `/home/again4you/git_work/odroid_a4_mail/kernel'
  CHK     gator_events.h
  CC [M]  /home/again4you/git_work/odroid_a4_mail/gator/driver-src/gator-driver/gator_main.o
In file included from /home/again4you/git_work/odroid_a4_mail/gator/driver-src/gator-driver/gator_main.c:151:
/home/again4you/git_work/odroid_a4_mail/gator/driver-src/gator-driver/gator_trace_gpu.c:17: fatal error: linux/mali_linux_trace.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make[1]: *** [/home/again4you/git_work/odroid_a4_mail/gator/driver-src/gator-driver/gator_main.o] Error 1
make: *** [_module_/home/again4you/git_work/odroid_a4_mail/gator/driver-src/gator-driver] Error 2
make: Leaving directory `/home/again4you/git_work/odroid_a4_mail/kernel'

But as I mention before, the 'mali_linux_trace.h' file existsin KCFLAGS path.

again4you@again4you-x86:~/git_work/odroid_a4_mail/gator/driver-src/gator-driver$ ls ../../../mail400_driver/driver/src/devicedrv/mali/linux/mali_linux_trace.h

Should I recompile the mali gpu drivers?
Or are there any solutions to solve this problems??

Thank you for paying attentions.
Sangjung Woo.
  • Note: This was originally posted on 18th September 2012 at

    Dear Lorenzo.

    Firstly, thank you for your reply.

    After I did as you mentions,
    unfortunately, it doesn't work.(The complie error occurs like before.)

    However, given your hint,
    I found the main reason why the directory path is changed
    when I build the kernel module.

    Instead of fixing the error perfectly,
    I simply copied the 'mali_linux_trace.h' into gator-driver folder
    and modified the gator-driver source code
    since the 'mali_linux_trace.h' is linked when building.

    After modification, the compile error is disappeared.
    However, I didn't check whether it works or not with DS-5.

    I will let you the results.
    Anyway, thank you Lorenzo.

    Sangjung Woo.
  • Note: This was originally posted on 18th September 2012 at

    Dear Lorenzo.

    Firstly, thank you for your reply.

    After I did as you mentions,
    unfortunately, it doesn't work.(The complie error occurs like before.)

    However, given your hint,
    I found the main reason why the directory path is changed
    when I build the kernel module.

    Instead of fixing the error perfectly,
    I simply copied the 'mali_linux_trace.h' into gator-driver folder
    and modified the gator-driver source code
    since the 'mali_linux_trace.h' is linked when building.

    After modification, the compile error is disappeared.
    However, I didn't check whether it works or not with DS-5.

    I will let you the results.
    Anyway, thank you Lorenzo.

    Sangjung Woo.
  • Hey Sanjung,

    I'm running into the same problem as you, but I have many files that are not found. After I move the mali_linux_trace.h like you did, another file was shown as not found.

    I am wondering, did you move all the required files to your driver directory? Did you end up getting this working with DS-5 Streamline?
