I want add compiler V5 into my project but i cant open maximize this tab Help me, thanks alot
Does that help?
"UVISION: Reset View To Customer Defaults"
"I have tried the suggested solutions, but the issue still persists.
In this case, I recommend to
- ensure that you have installed the latest release of Keil MDK
( It might also help to re-install Keil MDK accepting the default settings)
- to then compare if you face the same result with an example project provided by the Pack Installer
We have seen such effects very rarely with unusual Windows screen scaling factors or with unusual system fonts only in tabbed dialogs (there are several in µVision). Please try to select a different Windows system font or scaling factor.
Thanks you so much, your solution solves the problem. Sorry for the late reply. My main account had an "error occured" , so I couldn't reply earlier.