How to use the scanf() function in a real 8051 mcu ?

Hi, I use the 8051 mcu and Keil C51 to teach my students for the C programming language. The 8051+KeilC51 will make the students understand the power of the C programming language. Students can gain immense confidence. In my teaching, I can use the printf() function for the example programs, but when I use the scanf() function, I encountered some difficulities. 

My example program is:

#include <reg51.h>
#include <stdio.h>

void init_8051(void);

void main(void)
	char a;
	int b;
	long c;
	int argsread;
	printf("\n enter a signed byte ,int, and long \n");
	argsread = scanf("%bd %d %ld", &a, &b, &c);
	printf("\n %d arguments read \n",argsread);
	printf("\n %bd %d %ld \n", a, b, c );

void init_8051(void)
	SCON  = 0x50;	/* SCON: mode 1, 8-bit UART, enable rcvr */
	TMOD |= 0x20; /* TMOD: timer 1, mode 2, 8-bit reload        */
	TH1   = 0xfd; /* TH1:  reload value for 9600 baud @ 11.0592MHz   */
	TR1   = 1;    /* TR1:  timer 1 run                          */
	TI    = 1;    /* TI:   set TI to send first char of UART    */

I download the .hex file (which generated by the example code above) to my 8051 mcu, then I send some numbers to the variables a, b, c, such as:

When I click the sendData button, the software got a lot of message as the picture shows above.  These message runs forever, they are not stop.

But, if I click the "Start debug Session" button:

The keil will enter the debug session, and I can run the example code above correctly:

Unfortunately, the  debug session is a simulation tool, it is not real running in the 8051 mcu.

Does anyone can help me, how can I use the scanf() in a real 8051 mcu, not just running it in a simulation session ?

Best regards.

The example project:

  • The 8051+KeilC51 will make the students understand the power of the C programming language

    That argument is bass-ackwards, to put it mildly.  The 8051 is just about the worst possible choice to demonstrate "power" these days, and simililarly C51 is among the worst possible choices to exercise the C programming language on.  There are simply too many idiosyncrasies and limitations the compiler needs to accomodate the platform, and that introduces considerable amounts of breakage into the language itself.  If your actual goal really is to teach the language, any random desktop programming environment would be a better choice than C51.  Even if you're targetting embedded usage, there are platforms that are leaps and bounds ahead of C51 in terms of actually supporting the language as it is meant to be.  ARM is, of course, the absolute standard, but even the more exotic platforms in the embedded field these days invariably have better C language coverage than C51.  At the very least they'll be able to support versions of the standard language younger than 30 years --- C51 is, and most likely forever will be, stuck in 1990..

  • The 8051+KeilC51 will make the students understand the power of the C programming language

    That argument is bass-ackwards, to put it mildly.  The 8051 is just about the worst possible choice to demonstrate "power" these days, and simililarly C51 is among the worst possible choices to exercise the C programming language on.  There are simply too many idiosyncrasies and limitations the compiler needs to accomodate the platform, and that introduces considerable amounts of breakage into the language itself.  If your actual goal really is to teach the language, any random desktop programming environment would be a better choice than C51.  Even if you're targetting embedded usage, there are platforms that are leaps and bounds ahead of C51 in terms of actually supporting the language as it is meant to be.  ARM is, of course, the absolute standard, but even the more exotic platforms in the embedded field these days invariably have better C language coverage than C51.  At the very least they'll be able to support versions of the standard language younger than 30 years --- C51 is, and most likely forever will be, stuck in 1990..

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