I'm testing Visual Studio Code Keil Studio Pack. I imported solution from Keil into VS Code and build it successfully. Problem comes while trying to Run target. I get this error:
Stopping running target Cortex-M4 on connection Connected to running target Cortex-M4 Execution stopped in Privileged Thread mode at 0x0800092E 0x0800092E LDR r0,[sp,#0x5c] Disconnected from stopped target Cortex-M4 ERROR(TAD289-FLP24-FLP6-FLP4): ! Failed to open flash programmer ! Failed to load flash device configuration from com.arm.debug.flashprogrammer.adapter.FlashConfigAdapter$CmsisFlashConfig@638aaf2 ! Cannot create PyString with non-byte value: 'SE\u010c' ! Exception IllegalArgumentException thrown in Python script C:\Users\xxxxxx\.vcpkg\artifacts\2139c4c6\debuggers.arm.armdbg\6.2.1\sw\debugger\configdb\Flash\flashprogrammer\execution.py at line 14 Flash failed
I use ST-LINK with newest fw. task.json was set up for SWD, connect under reset and otherwise auto option.
Am I missing something? Is there solution or bug issue?
Sure, I tried again making clean project and got same result. drive.google.com/.../1wSM3yC1G8iY3O7HQy6JqTTILAnO_ITRC
Sorry for the delay, was busy with other things. Unfortunately I have no hardware with a STM32F05 device. So I tried flashing a STM32F429I-DISCO board. And that worked ok with the onboard ST-Link.
So, as this generally works, there might be some "corruption" in the .vcpkg folder, where the arm debugger files are saved. As there is in the meantime a newer version of arm debugger 6.3.0, can you please retry with this?Should be possible via the Arm Tools Environment visual editor.