I try to trace the GPIO pin status in Keil5 MDK ARM logic analyzer, but it's not successful.
I am using the Nucleo-H743ZI2 board with STLink 3 SWO mode. I can also see the printf output in the "Debug (printf) Viewer" without any issue. The LED on board is on PB0. In the debug mode, I can see the GPIOB ODR is updating, which aligns with the LED status.
But when I type the "PORTB.0" in the Logic Analyzer setup, it said "Unknown signal".
Is there a way to trace the GPIO pin status in the logic analyzer by Keil5 MDK ARM? I tried "PORTB.0", "GPIOB.0", etc, but none of them works. Can anyone give me some guidance how to do the set up?
Thanks in advance.
excited to find the resolution, but how do I know the GPIO_ODR's address (0x58020414)? waiting for your response.
You find that in the device manual.