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MCIMX6X2:Cortex-M4 debug with Keil-µVision v5.38 and ULINK2


I've got an older project which was formerly developed with Keil-µVision v5.26 and ARM compiler 6.16 (From Keil-µVision v5.36)

This solution was chosen because the used debug probe ULINK2 did not work correctly in µVision v5.36 and it still seems to throw the same error in Keil-µVision v5.38.

To expand the project an mdk_essential license was bought.

This license now seems to work with the compiler v6.19 or Keil-µVision v5.38a but not with lower versions of the compiler.

Keil-µVision 5.26 with installed license results in:

- Linker (v6.16 toolchain): still complains about code size limitations (~32kB?)    --> does NOT work as expected

- Debugger: does not show the warning regarding the code size limitation anymore --> works as expected (for programs < 32kB)

- Toolchain (v6.19): can not be used/installed for Keil-µVision 5.26

Keil-µVision 5.38a with installed license results in:

- Linker (v6.19 toolchain): links programs with larger code size as well --> works as expected

- Debugger: does not work with ULINK2 and MCIMX6X2:Cortex-M4 device  --> Error Message is: "PDSC: Sequence Execution failed"

Is there either a way to

 - convert the license to work correctly with Keil-µVision v5.26 or

 - to make the Keil-µVision v5.38a/v5.39 work correctly with the debugger ULINK2 and device MCIMX6X2:Cortex-M4


PS.: the license is a flexLM (floating) license

Any help would be warmly appreciated!!!

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