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constant macro


can I print the  macros like __MODEL__? Would it be possible to do this in an batch file in Options / User?

Thanks in advance

  • How do I know which macros are set?

    I don't fully understand your question. As I mentioned before, our C166 lists all predefined macros.

    "C166 manuals are not available online, but you can see the values in the file C:\Keil_v5\C166\hlp\c166.chm chapter  'Preprocessor - Macros - Predefined Macros'."

    Here is a screen capture of that manual page:

    How do the compiler decide which macros to set?

    The compiler sets all these macros with a specific value or sting.

  • How do I know which macros are set?

    I don't fully understand your question. As I mentioned before, our C166 lists all predefined macros.

    "C166 manuals are not available online, but you can see the values in the file C:\Keil_v5\C166\hlp\c166.chm chapter  'Preprocessor - Macros - Predefined Macros'."

    Here is a screen capture of that manual page:

    How do the compiler decide which macros to set?

    The compiler sets all these macros with a specific value or sting.
