I get this error upon compiling : Error: L6218E: Undefined symbol abort (referred from abort_message.cpp.o).
This is the only error I get.
How can I define it in my code?
Tried #include <signal.h> to set the SIGABRT handler. But got an error: file not found!
How should I proceed?
Thanks, Can you please tell me where I can find this file? Does it come with the compiler? I am using FuSa RTOS 16.6.2
The more important question might have to be: what on earth do you hope to achieve by calling abort() in a bare-metal embedded system? Which operating system do you expect to abort() to?
Never called it, was called for me by you guys
You likely need to reimplement this (along with any other semihosting functions in your code).
It could be as simple as:
void __attribute__((noreturn)) abort(void){ while(1); }
This helped, Any idea why is this happening when I add 'static ' ?
I finally added this in .h file and it removed the linker error:
extern "C" void __attribute__((noreturn)) abort(void) { while(1); }