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2 different names for 6.16.2 Fusa compiler


The name that appears on my "options for target" tab is : '6.16.2', while other team members it is: '6.16.2(FuSa)'  . Please see the picture below.

Is it the same as V6.16.2(FuSA) ? if so, how do I match them?

If not, what did I do wrong in the setup process?

  • I don't know what's wrong with your compiler installation. This might be an effect of using different µVision/MDK versions. Do you use the latest µVision version 5.38?

    Version 6.16.2 is only available as FuSa variant, so it is impossible that you installed the wrong compiler version. I installed the same version and µVision lists the string 'V6.16.2 (FuSa)'. This string is also copied into the project.

    All installed compiler versions are listed in the file Tools.ini in the MDK installation folder. You should see something similar like:

    ARMCCPATH0="ARMCLANG"  ("V6.20")
    ARMCCPATH1=".\ARMCC"  ("V5.06 update 7 (build 960)")
    ARMCCPATH2=".\ARMCLANG_6.18"  ("V6.18")
    ARMCCPATH3=".\ARMCLANG_6.19"  ("V6.19")
    ARMCCPATH4=".\ARMCLANG_6.16.2"  ("V6.16.2 (FuSa)")

    You could adapt the text in brackets accordingly in your MDK installation.

  • I don't know what's wrong with your compiler installation. This might be an effect of using different µVision/MDK versions. Do you use the latest µVision version 5.38?

    Version 6.16.2 is only available as FuSa variant, so it is impossible that you installed the wrong compiler version. I installed the same version and µVision lists the string 'V6.16.2 (FuSa)'. This string is also copied into the project.

    All installed compiler versions are listed in the file Tools.ini in the MDK installation folder. You should see something similar like:

    ARMCCPATH0="ARMCLANG"  ("V6.20")
    ARMCCPATH1=".\ARMCC"  ("V5.06 update 7 (build 960)")
    ARMCCPATH2=".\ARMCLANG_6.18"  ("V6.18")
    ARMCCPATH3=".\ARMCLANG_6.19"  ("V6.19")
    ARMCCPATH4=".\ARMCLANG_6.16.2"  ("V6.16.2 (FuSa)")

    You could adapt the text in brackets accordingly in your MDK installation.
