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I completely copied a project from one directory to my other directory, but the copied project is giving me that no such file or directory is found and target not created , fatal error is coming.

I copied a file from a location from D drvive of Keil uVision 5.23 and then completely pasted it in new folder with the same name, later i opened that project with help of keil and started building my project but it gave error as follows:

#include "FreeRTOSConfig.h" 

compliing main.c....

.\Source\include\FreeRTOS.h : error : Cannot open source input file "FreeRTOSConfig.h" : No such file or directory 

this error is coming for every file of Source Group(init.c, FreeRTOS.h, GUI.c, uart.c, croutine.c ) where I have included header file FreeRTOSConfig.h 

I had copied this file from Freertos folder and added it to Desktop in a separate folder. 

I am using windows 10 operating system. 

Please tell me and help me. 

Thanks in advance. 

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