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No GPIO in System Viewer drop down menu using STM32G051K8Ux?

I have been working with STM32F051K4U7 for the past few years and found GPIO window in "System Viewer" very useful as it allowed to toggle some pins manually while the code was running.
However, I just built a new project using STM32G051K8U6 microcontroller and all of a sudden no GPIO interface is available anymore?

I read some existing threads concerning Cortex-M3 based microcontrollers and the answer was that "some peripherals which are specific to certain vendors are not available in System Viewer".
Why is that the case and is there definitely no way to add GPIO access say if I was to use custom file and edit STM32G051.svd by adding the missing peripherals?

This feels like a step back coming from STM32F0 series microcontrollers.