Is there a RTX context switch time constraint?
I'm testing RTX on TM4C129KCPDT.
My setting is shown below.
Sysclock = 60MHz(,using internal PLL)
When I set tick value 5us,which can't context switch,only running main thread.
If tick value is 10us,which can running context switch.
1.Since it is described as <300 cycles on RTX specifications, is it possible to context switch with 5us when sysclock is 60MHz?
2.Is there an upper limit sysclock fequency?
[tick value 5us is running only main thread]
[tick value 10us]
code is below.
void led_thread3(void const *argument) { for(;;){ unsigned int tick,delayPeriod; tick = osKernelSysTick(); led3 = 1; do { } while ((osKernelSysTick() - tick) < osKernelSysTickMicroSec(100)); tick = osKernelSysTick(); led3 = 0; do { } while ((osKernelSysTick() - tick) < osKernelSysTickMicroSec(100)) }}
void led_thread2 (void const *argument) { for (;;) { led2 = 1; tick = osKernelSysTick(); do { } while ((osKernelSysTick() - tick) < osKernelSysTickMicroSec(1000)); led2 = 0; tick = osKernelSysTick(); do { } while ((osKernelSysTick() - tick) < osKernelSysTickMicroSec(1000)); }}
osThreadDef(led_thread3, osPriorityNormal, 1, 0);osThreadDef(led_thread2, osPriorityNormal, 1, 0);
uint32_t clock=0;/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Main: Initialize and start RTX Kernel *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/int main (void) {
SystemCoreClockUpdate(); clock = SysCtlClockFreqSet( SYSCTL_XTAL_16MHZ | SYSCTL_OSC_MAIN | SYSCTL_USE_PLL | SYSCTL_CFG_VCO_480, 60000000); osKernelInitialize(); led_ID3 = osThreadCreate(osThread(led_thread3), NULL); led_ID2 = osThreadCreate(osThread(led_thread2), NULL);
I would appreciate it if you could teach me.