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Keil uVision 5 Path Problem

Respected Sir,

while opening a project under keil uVision 5 , it is showing path missing or Incorrect Path . We installed the Keil Software by going through all the procedures released by our company. We require nRF 51422 chip which has ARM cortex microcontroller. We have installed nRF51422 package in Keil also.

1) Software is installed in C Drive Folder.

2) Our all source codes is in the desktop (  under C drive)

what we have to do for the rectification of this issue. Please reach out to me through this mail

Thanks & Regards

Abinash Dash

  • 2) Our all source codes is in the desktop (  under C drive)

    That's just about the worst possible place you could put them.  The only worse idea I can image off the top of my head would be to plonk them on a network drive.

    Not only is that path different for every user, it also often contains blanks in its pathname (depending on the version and localization of Windows).

    And because that's not quite bad enough, you felt you had to add blanks of your own on top of that.  <sigh>

    Even if you're very strict about configuring all paths inside the project as relative, the blanks in the project's root directory name can still wreak havoc in all kinds of interesting ways.

  • 2) Our all source codes is in the desktop (  under C drive)

    That's just about the worst possible place you could put them.  The only worse idea I can image off the top of my head would be to plonk them on a network drive.

    Not only is that path different for every user, it also often contains blanks in its pathname (depending on the version and localization of Windows).

    And because that's not quite bad enough, you felt you had to add blanks of your own on top of that.  <sigh>

    Even if you're very strict about configuring all paths inside the project as relative, the blanks in the project's root directory name can still wreak havoc in all kinds of interesting ways.

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