When i run the debug mode hte Call stack + locals doesn't display the "main" file and the debug arrows(green and yellow) are in the "startup_stm32f407xx.s" file and they should be in "main.cpp".
What could be the problem?
I used this article: https://developer.arm.com/documentation/ka002219/latest. but don't understand this part:
When i add a "User Code Template" file from the 3 provided into my application folder i get an error...i don't really know what to do here.
In the screenshot, you can see I enabled the Compiler retargeting files in the RTE and tried adding this stdout_USART.c but it's generating errors.
This is my project, maybe it would be easier for you when you check the code.
In the article it says "If selecting the variant "User ...". But I understand, you want to use ITM, so select "ITM" for STDOUT as well. Then no user template is required.
As i understood, if i go for one variant i have to use the same one for all, meaning i take "ITM" for STDOUT, STDIN and STDERR?
And yes, this worked, thanks a lot.
Best Regards, Alden