I have a new chip with a new ADC. All I have is a header and a spreadsheet address map. I need to modify something like an SVD file to change the addresses and the bit layouts for my new ADC. I am presently loading for an STM32407.
I have modified the Arm/Packs/Keil/STM32F4xx_DFP/2.15.0/CMSIS/SVD/STM32F40x.svd and the Arm/Packs/Keil/STM32F4xx_DFP/2.15.0/CMSIS/SVD/STM32F40x.sfr files, but these make no difference to my display when I choose the Peripherals->System Viwer->ADC. I have reloaded my project and restarted our Keil MDK, but to no avail.
Can someone please give me an indication on where/which file I could modify to make my Keil MDK display the modifications I would need to show the ADC register in my new chip.
Please not I am the Chip Vendor and am trying to build a new package to supply to customers, so please don't infomr me that I need to go and get an SVD file from the Chip vendor.
svdconv stm32f40x.svd --generate=sfr
This has generated a new stm32f40x.sfr with my new ADC register and bit patterns.