As I understand it - in FreeRTOS, I can call xTaskGetTickCount to get the count of ticks since vTaskStartScheduler was called. This is effectively a system time in ticks. If the ticks are set to 1 ms, then this is the number of ms since we started - which is handy for computing time deltas and such.
What is the corresponding way to do this in CMSIS RTOS v2? I thought it would be OS_Tick_GetCount, but this is not correct - this is the value of the counter within each tick - not the number of ticks.
Do I just set up my own counter via OS_Tick_Setup? I wondered if that was somehow in use already by the FreeRTOS implementation underneath - but, it doesn't appear to be called anywhere in my codebase.
That is exactly what I was thinking. Thank you for the reply.
five nights at freddy's